[FREE] [OX + ESX] WX Carlock - Simple carlock with target support!

Hello FiveM community! I am releasing a simple, ESX and OX_LIB based script: WX Carlock

:cherry_blossom: [GITHUB] Download
:cherry_blossom: [STREAMABLE] Showcase

As the name says, it’s a carlock script that uses one simple ESX callback to the database. It includes a big config file where you can modify almost EVERYTHING, without even opening the source code! You can enable/disable settings or even translate the whole script in ONE config file! And the OX_LIB part? I’ve used ox_lib’s notifications and progress bars, but you can replace them if you like. The script is OPEN SOURCE on my GitHub :slight_smile:


Why does it need ESX?

Because there’s no way I can get a standalone callback to the database that return the current character player is using… (afaik)



Config File


  • Fixed all issues (You don’t own this vehicle etc.)
  • Added option for vehicle horn on unlock/lock
  • Added option for headlights flash on unlock/lock
  • Added option to change the target icon straight from the config
  • When locking/unlocking vehicle via target, the script will ignore all other vehicle nearby and try to lock/unlock only the one you selected from the target (badly explained i know)

:eyes: Check out my other resources!

[PAID] :shield: WX AntiCheat 3.0
[PAID] :herb: WX Drug Selling
[PAID] :pill: WX Drug System
[PAID] :man_mechanic: WX Tuning / Mechanic Job

[FREE] :tshirt: WX Outfitbag

All of my resources can be found here


please help me add this to standalone please and thank you

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I would love to… read FAQ

It has several bugs, despite being a copy of esx_vehiclelock, it has bugs and works only with 1 vehicle, and then when you move and get off it doesn’t close. among some of the mistakes

I know about them, my mistake that I didn’t tested it enough

plz qb support

Now for real, all issues has been fixed!

Hello! I downloaded the script today and in esx_legaxy it tells me that the vehicle is not mine! on all buyers

Hey, did you restarted the whole server after adding the script?

Yes, I do! and it turns out that I restart the script it works, but I close and go back and open and it doesn’t work anyway

Are you starting wx_carlock AFTER es_extended?

The same thing happens to me, when I start the server it tells me that it is not my vehicle, but I restart the script and it starts to work for me. I tried starting it at the latest and it doesn’t work like that either.

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Yes, clear and in the database everything is correct and the vehicle appears there!

can you please start the server with the carlock ensured in the server.cfg and see if there’s any errors?

I have done it, but it does not give any error

Hey @esteon0630 and @Balt1 I fixed all the issues! Please download the latest release and tell me if they’re still there.

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cool i tried it! and it works fine.
The only thing is that it does not notify that you cannot get off with the vehicle blocked and it does not show the text above the head either!

Oh yeah, the 3D text is a feature of my RP Chat.
And about that notification, I removed it because it was buggy. But I try to fix it later today or tomorrow. Thanks for the feedback

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It would be nice to be able to add! to be able to block work vehicles

Lock NPC vehicles?