FREE - Object Spawn - v2

After removing and defining the objects, give them a name as “/kaydet name” and save them to the json data, and then you can spawn these objects to the same location again.

Incoming updates; With the scroll key, left shift + scroll, left alt + scroll, you can steer in 3 different rotations as x, y and z.

You can save it to json data by giving a name with the /kaydet command and if local StartAndSpawn = true in server.lua, it will spawn the registered objects when the server starts (not tested in multiplayer), if StartAndSpawn = false, with the name you gave in the saved section of the ui you opened with /build. You can find it and spawn it.


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MY TEBEX STORE→ :computer: NakreS


Haven’t tested it, but good on you for releasing something like this free to the community. Thank you. Any plans to do an animation testing tool?


If you could explain a little more what you mean by animation test, I might be able to help.

currently the only script ive ever seen or heard of to view animations is paid. Something using a list similar to what you have to all the thousands of animations the cycle through the list testing each one would be amazing. Will pm you two lists that would be similar to the setup you are using for the props

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is you can use this new version to spawn a bunch of props, and then save that group of props and later spawn them all together in the same places?
If that’s right that’s sick

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Yes, you can save all objects with their locations under the name you gave to the json data, then you can spawn the same object group to the same coordinates with one click whenever you want.

That’s amazing you’ve basically made ymaps for dummies :joy:

Admins can create simple ymaps to organize events on social role play servers and don’t have to attach it as a file, just retrieve and use it when needed.

The script name has to be Nakres_objespawns . If you change the filename javascript cannot connect with lua

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should the saved objects be visible in saved menu straight away?

whats the proper usage for the saving command?
i spawned some objects, did /kaydet testname , but nothing shows in the saved tab

got the save command somewhat working, however the spawn on start isnt working, and when i manually spawn the save file everything is up in the air instead of where it was originally placed

It will be fixed in the next update

Saved, server restart will not appear

I get this error “Bunun için yetkin yok!”, I know I need to include my steam id. But where can I find it?

in server.lua

But I can’t assign my steam ID, because I don’t know where to find it, or at least the one provided by JD_Logs doesn’t work. D:

Jorge Henrique

Jorge Henrique
Uploading: 20211216_080101.mp4…

I cannot access the menu because it says that I don`t have permissions. I replaced default steam ID with mine but it still says same thing.