[Free] Green Eats - Del Perro Supermarket

Hi to everyone. Today i want to share this small mlo i made. Nothing special, but a market with backroom to make some scenes on Del Perro’s block.




Old Download - No longer manteined

Github - Updated


Thanks for free release

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very nice , gj :slight_smile:

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This is awesome and I’m very grateful but it has caused me a minor issue. I use the free ‘Wheely Good’ MLO by PortalToProcrastination and both this and that use vb_26_0.ybn. I’m going to make an effort to figure out how to make them both work together but I’ve always messed up when editing collisions. I am not asking you to do the work for me but PortalToProcrastination also has a paid coffee shop next door to yours. I just think it would be awesome if you guys could collab, so vb_26_build3 could be like a new meeting point

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Can you send me some pics of the Doors that needs to be opened? I can fix It easily this way

Looks very cool ! :purple_heart:

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You should probably replace the real world brands in this MLO, given that it probably violates the new Terms of Service.

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Yes there are some props that are from real world branda, i’ll proceed with textures override. Thanks for notice

womp womp

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