[FREE] bzn_allowlist

BZN Allowlist - RC 1

Version: RC 1
Created by: BenZoN (BZN Development)


fivem-mysql-async v3.0.x or oxmysql




locale.lua - esx-legacy
My close friends, for supporting in me what ever I decide to do!


The current version is a release candidate it should work with out major issues, but wont do a full release before im sure it’s stable.


Back in 2019 I released DRP_WHITELIST, and I knew I wanted to rewrite the allowlist script at some point, since I learned a lot the last two years.

Supported identifiers are steam: and license:, I wont add support for other identifiers, since they don’t fit the scope of bzn_allowlist.

Like I mentioned back when I released DRP_WHITELIST, most allowlist scripts back then did not allow you to allowlist on the fly, with out calling the database auch, and most required you to know the Steam Hex id to whitelist a steam identifier, this script supports Steam64 identifiers, and auto converts them to Steam Hex.

Decided to add support for ConnectQueue, just a very simple and basic integration using the “exports” not true exports to be honest, to add players to the priority list of ConnectQueue, but it’s there, it works and is a nice to have feature if you use ConnectQueue that is, can be fully turned off.

Last time I based the commands on essentialmode, but this time around I decided to add support for esx legacy ESX.RegisterCommand, and normal vanilla CFX RegisterCommands, with Ace permissions, so finally the resource can be used 100% standalone, and with what ever framework you want to use it with.

Tried to optimize the script even more than the original.

New Features

  • Ace Permission support (command.allowlist)
  • ConnectQueue integration
  • Auto allowlist the first person to connect (can be disabled, and will be auto disabled if there is id’s in the allowlist)


  • Supports Steam64 (steam:*****************)
  • Supports Steam Hex (steam:*****************)
  • Supports License ID (license:*****************)
  • Simple SteamID validation length check, if Steam64 length should be 17, if Hex length should be 15 with out prefix
  • Simple License ID validation lenght check, length should be 40 with out prefix
  • Supports rcon with RconPrint reply
  • Ace Permissions (RegisterCommand)
  • ESX RegisterCommand and permissions
  • ConnectQueue support control players priority, if priority is 0 (default) the script won’t add priority for the given id.


  • /+allowlist (ex. /+allowlist steam:76561197960287930) - with priority (ex. /+allowlist steam:76561197960287930 5)
  • /-allowlist (ex. /-allowlist steam:1100001000056ba)
  • /priority (ex. /priority steam:1100001000056ba 5)
  • /reloadallowlist


Other releases

[Paid] bzn_blip_handler
[Free] esx_gsr
[Deprecated] DRP_WHITELIST


Any command to delete the allowlist to a player?

Yep it’s just using /-allowlist insted of /+allowlist kept it simple.

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