Config = {}
Config.BlipSize = 0.8 – Size of the blips.
Config.PropOutline = true – Enable if you want field props to be outlined when close.
Config.OutlineColor = {r = 42, g = 191, b = 171}
– Configure anything except: spawnedPlants, DrugPlantsA and DrugCoords. These shall never be touched!
Config.Fields = {
FieldCoords = vector3(3522.56, 2569.64, 7.76),
label = ‘Weed (1G)’,
itemName = ‘weed’,
amount = {Min = 2, Max = 5},
jobs = false,
neededJobs = false,
DrugProp = ‘prop_cs_plant_01’,
duration = 1000,
animDict= ‘random@domestic’,
anim = ‘pickup_low’,
blip = true,
blipSprite = 403,
blipColour = 0,
blipRadius = true,
spawnedPlants = 0, DrugPlantsA = {}, DrugCoords = nil
FieldCoords = vector3(2351.28, 3070.52, 48.16),
label = ‘Coke (1G)’,
itemName = ‘coke’,
amount = {Min = 2, Max = 5},
jobs = false,
neededJobs = false,
DrugProp = ‘ex_office_swag_drugbag2’,
duration = 1000,
animDict= ‘random@domestic’,
anim = ‘pickup_low’,
blip = true,
blipSprite = 497,
blipColour = 1,
blipRadius = true,
spawnedPlants = 0, DrugPlantsA = {}, DrugCoords = nil
– Configure anything to your liking.
Config.Labs = {
LabCoords = vector3(1391.84, 3605.88, 38.96),
neededLabel = ‘Weed (1G)’,
givenLabel = ‘Bag of weed (28G)’,
neededItem = ‘weed’,
neededAmount = 2,
givenItem = ‘weed_pooch’,
givenAmount = {Min = 1, Max = 5},
jobs = false,
neededJobs = false,
duration = 6000,
animDict= ‘missmechanic’,
anim = ‘work2_base’,
blip = true,
blipSprite = 403,
blipColour = 0,
blipRadius = true
LabCoords = vector3(2433.88, 4969.2, 42.36),
neededLabel = ‘Coke (1G)’,
givenLabel = ‘Bag of coke (28G)’,
neededItem = ‘coke’,
neededAmount = 2,
givenItem = ‘coke_pooch’,
givenAmount = {Min = 2, Max = 4},
jobs = false,
neededJobs = false,
duration = 6000,
animDict= ‘missmechanic’,
anim = ‘work2_base’,
blip = true,
blipSprite = 497,
blipColour = 0,
blipRadius = true
getting errors in console, what have i done wrong?