Fax Core - Ace Based Permission System, Including Blacklisting of Cars, Peds & Guns [Fax-Core] [2.1]

Fax Core By FAXES

Today I present to you a new script that is so diverse and unique, it’s one of a kind. This is Fax-Core, a permission system to blacklist certain groups from things from vehicles to ped models, and it all uses Ace permissions. Yes no database, no editing tons of files to add groups etc.

With Fax Core you have 3 administration and 4 user ranks, each with their own set of permissions (all groups are outlined below). With the base of Fax Core you can whitelist; vehicles, peds and weapons for specific groups. Eg: Senior admins can not use the owner vehicle but people with the owner permission can. Below is a list of features and videos on setting up and a highlight video.

Since the release of Fax Core 2.1 it adds a much more ‘smarter’ system for blacklisting vehicles has much improved. No more repeating vehicles for each group. It now has a system where if you are below a certain rank you can use the item, but if that rank or above you can use the item, whether it being a Ped, Vehicle or Weapon the system is similar for all. When setting up Fax-Core be sure to read the wiki (link below) for proper instructions.

Where’s The Download?

Some administration type issues regarding this resource are currently being worked on with the External Moderation Team along with some issues brought up being corrected. This resource is currently not available for use. It will be updated soon to you all :heart:


Good work Fax. :slight_smile:

ps. I can’t ban.

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I’m aware, I’m trolling him. <3

Updated files on GitHub, it was taking forever to process.

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Great work as always. ACE is underutilized, great example of how it can be used.

thanks and yes it is, people told me this would be useless but I knew better.

Also @hallux nice edit LOL

love it

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I’m going to be working on a Chat roles, and a full whitelist where only say member 2’s and above can enter if set etc. both using this system.

PS: That’s why it’s called Core, its the centre of a lot of cool possibilities

btw you forgot about me lol but, nice work! :joy:

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I never ended up using your version :frowning: but thanks… Ill add you.

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:open_mouth: yeah i mean, it’s not really the end of the world not being in the credits :joy: no worries :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is the shit man. BUT i have a few questions

How can i set it to where everyone else is a specified group unless manually added somewhere else.

Is everyone automatically a guest?

Would it be possible for me to add a “Moderator Rank”?

PS. Didn’t download yet, but i will.


Yes, everyone is a guest unless specified otherwise. As for moderator vs administrator, I’d just use admin vs senior admin. Apply moderator permissions to the Fax.fadmin group and full admin permissions to Fax.snadmin.

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updating tomorrow hopefully to improve delete times and fix a couple spelling issues that have been pointed out. Better documentation will also go out.

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Update 1.1

  • Fixed spelling in client-messages.lua
  • Adjusted wait times to help prevent people from just using the tank cannon

All are updated in OP


I am getting this warning whenever I set myself to anything below s. admin.

Do I have too many cars blacklisted or did I install wrong?

PM me your resource and I’ll take a look at it…
Strange, never happened during testing, does this only happen with you or everyone?

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Made the installation video…

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Another Resource Highlight goes out today for Fax Core

Any chance you could get this working with EssentialMode?

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You can still use it, it would just have a different permission system, as for making a ES version that wont happen by me as I don’t work with frameworks, but feel free to make an edit yourself if you want and post it here to help out others.