[ExM] Extendedmode, a framework (1.0.0)

because every week you have to redo your server because it doesn’t work anymore, there is no decent update for several weeks / months, you have to redo your server each time with each update, especially since it that month, all uptade are broken, I do not spit over, some may become boring to create a gta serv

I suggest you re-read Kanersps’ last post and actually answer his questions instead of ranting and rambling utter nonsense.

When using the latest esx_skin this happens try using an older version

not constructive

this is why theres things called test servers… fix bugs before you push them to your main server

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would be awesome if you could reach out and fuse [Release] [ESX] Character Selection into extendedmode with Character Creator that would be so cool.

also the extended config still forces steam after changing it to fivem
Config.PrimaryIdentifier = “fivem”
is that the correct format?

First notifications now markers are broken, tried to switch to ExM.Markers but it is missing ExM.Markers.Out action when person was in marker and after stepped out.

Also any idea on why i have bellow issue with ExM.Game.CreatePed ?

i rebuilt every single script i had to the new es_extended and having a blast… added tones of features… the server is more advance than my old one and have the weight system, i still have no reason to change to ExM but would like to understand why i should… if its about backward compatibility i already rebuilt everything i need in the new system… maybe that not for me… im not a good example of average joe either… not trashing the idea of the framework… off course… just wondering if i was right to rebuild an entire server from scratch in the new esx echosystem… or looking for good enough reason to do the jump… the most performance problem (and it change nothing for me) is how much “chat” create ms lag on start… anyway good work for providing another option to the tables guy, if I need it or not is irrelevant.

For me it’s more so a pivot point. With es_extended 2.x being worked on and essentially all old Esx scripts not working on it (As far as I understand.), it just makes sense if you’re planning on using old resources to use ExM going forward.

If you’re comfortable with development and maintaining your own base you can stay on whatever es_extended you want. There’s some plans for ExM that interest me (like an alternative to kash) so that’s one of my major reasons to switching currently. Granted, es_extended 2.x has some planned features as well.

Planning to use 1.x resources/ExM resources? >Use ExM.

Don’t plan on using old esx scripts and you’re comfortable making your own stuff? Use whatever you want.


its the only thing i miss the most… a KASH style multichar selector… i was about to craft my own multichar ressource… its vital for me… but im average in sql… i am practicing controlling sql so i can swap my own tables … and move aside my “users” got stuck on noob sql problem…

if ExM create a multi-char ressource, im burning my house and start preaching your new religion… or learn more sql… on paper the design is done… :slight_smile:


It is planned. We don’t have unlimited time or resources so pleae be patient.

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good to know, i am the only coder for my universe, no worries
i never play… always something new that need the be fixed or added…
and always a lack of hours in a single day

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Can we use resources such as esx_policejob, esx_skin, skinchanger etc. With that fw?

From my knowledge, yes

GCPhone dont work with Exm?
i use GcPhone v3.1 but working first time players only

Sounds like a good thing for the community. I hope it turns out to be the case. Best of wishes on your project!

Can someone help me with this?
Server from scratch barely has any resources.

Slow query warnings are just your database being slow to respond, in mose cases you can just ignore it.

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Hello friends

I think ExM is really good.
Unfortunately I have a problem I can’t get the spawn properly.

I installed ExM freshly and then came after each login identity. I changed the identifier and now I invisibly spawn

When I remove the model in exm I always spawn as Michael.

I have already changed the spawns and model under maps … where could the error be?

Are you running esx_skin, identity and skinchanger? If not, you need those so you actually load in.