[ExM] Extendedmode, a framework (1.0.0)

Don’t use the stuff from the esx repo. Grab it from the ExM repo. As when esx updated a lot of their stuff to their new version it broke basically all compatibility with:

  • old versions of esx
  • ExM

Anyone else have the issue when a player joins the server it prints like 20 times to the console that their identity has been found?

i love this mode tnx for developing that
but since two hour i use this i get this error and my server is f**kdup

By the Way , why it’s have Weight in codes i serech weight i found lots of codes that use weight , this mode is base on limit??

Why do you have the es_pluginmysql? Did you read the documentation?

nothing say about dont use es_pluginmysql !

Does it ever say to install it?

it was installed when i was using ESX1.1 , it’s before that i install exm , i remove es_pluginmysql now

now i get this , is need to remove mysql_async too? :\

Do you have the database well installed? It doesn’t seem to me

yes of course my server working fine with esx 1.1.0
i add weight behind of limit colume to item table of data base problem solved,

Then it was not properly installed .-, anyway, I’m glad you solved it

I have an error in the users table, the name is not saved in the database. Does anyone know the function to save the name in the database. In the es_extended is [’@name’] = xPlayer.accounts [i] .name

But in the extendedmode I don’t know what that would be. Thank you.

hi since i use ExM some Jobs (like esx_police )that have Spwan Point and InsideShop players cant teleport to the InsideShop loc to see previwe of Cars !!

Try using old version to esx_skin. I use that and work´s fine. The latest version is broken :confused:

Hi, need some help. I’m using a notification resource that uses essential mode and esx.
Only one notification is not working and i think it’s because this event doesn’t exist in EXM.
How to convert this to EXM:

TriggerEvent('es:addCommand', 'adm', function()
end, {help = ''})

You can just run EssentialMode alongside ExM. Just remove esplugin_mysql and it will work.

Yeah that is the easiest way.

Are you guys working on a big update or why hasn’t there been any updates in over a month on github?

How do i change this notifications

sourceXPlayer.showNotification(_U('gave_item', itemCount, sourceItem.label, targetXPlayer.name))
targetXPlayer.showNotification(_U('received_item', itemCount, sourceItem.label, sourceXPlayer.name))

to mythic notifications using this export

TriggerClientEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', source, { type = 'inform', text = 'Hype! Custom Styling!', length = 2500, style = { ['background-color'] = '#ffffff', ['color'] = '#000000' } })

Would love to see this project continued!

Great start so far, keep it up!