Hello, I release this lootbox system, it was only in ESX but now also in QB-Core!
16€ - Tebex Link (REMOVED)
-4 types of prizes: Money, Items, Vehicles or Weapons.
-Configure with which currency you want to charge each lootbox (money, bank, vip currency, black money…).
-Create all the types of crates you want, the interface adapts to the number of boxes.
-Sound when turning the wheel.
-Set webhooks when buying or spending boxes.
-Choose if you want to run the opening animation or not.
-Give lootboxes by command
-Open with UI / as an item / both
-Ranges organized by tiers in the CSGO style, configure the % probability of each one.
-Possibility to configure images for each prize and each box.
-Automatic check for updates.
-Optimized, without lag or errors when distributing prizes or showing the winner.
Hello! I’m glad you bought it. You can pick up the script code in Keymaster. If you have any questions I will be happy to help you on Discord or via PM.
I think I misunderstood you! This is precisely what I am here to announce. I just added version 1.2.0 with the ability to use the lootboxes as items without using the UI, or it can be used both ways at the same time.
Version 1.2.0 -Added possibility to use lootbox as item