XeX Rewards - Reward players after join your server

Hi! Below I post a simple mod but it can be very useful for those who want to reward new players.

Based on ESX but easily adaptable to other frameworks.

Configuration files included and ready to translate to other languages.

More documentation on Github Link


XeX scripts:
:moneybag: XEX LOOTBOX
:airplane: XEX PILOTJOBS
:warning: XEX EAS

I hope it is useful! Cheers!


I donโ€™t have esx_vehicleshop but I have esx_advancevehicleshop. Can I use it?

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Yes, you will only have to adapt the point at which a vehicle is assigned and the mod is called to do so. Specifically in the xex_rewards:generatePlate handler. In the main-c.lua file.

Thank you.

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I received this error
script:es_extended] [WARNING] Server callback โ€œesx_vehicleshop:giveVehicleโ€ does not exist. Please Check The Server File for Errors!

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Hello! A little late but in the lootbox mod documentation you have reference to that function to be able to implement it. I leave you the link: Docs

Nice script, can you make a qb core version? :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello and thank you very much!! I didnโ€™t have it in mind but with the current version it could easily be adapted to this framework. Feel free to do a PR and I will gladly accept it.

car and pressed E horn worked fine on thank you ve

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car and pressed E horn worked fine on thank you ve