DiscordTagIDs --- I know, I know, I only make discord-based scripts

How can i see my own id and tag?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Still no luck… I’ve tried every single thing in the loop but it doesn’t show it at all. Most times the script just crashes because of the edit.

Hopefully someone will do it for you, it’s quite a simple edit if someone has like 5 minutes and knows what they are doing

Well it seems like it’s not just an simple edit… but thank you for not helping me after 14 days of trying.

But it’s funny you instantly think I don’t know what I’m doing… I just never worked with tags so I’m not sure how it’s working.

This is the line you should be looking for

if  ((NetworkIsPlayerActive( id )) and GetPlayerPed( id ) ~= GetPlayerPed( -1 )) then

I knew it was that line, will try it again and see if it’s working. Thanks for a more informational answer.

It seems like I forgot to rejoin or restart the full server. That’s why I didn’t see any tagg. Stupid me :sweat_smile:

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Works now? Congrats

Yeah it works, I’m sorry for that. It was my own fault it didn’t work. Thanks anyways for all the help. I understand why you thought I didn’t know what I was doing lol. Have a great day!

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Listen, in a server called Mancos, they use you’re script and there you can see you own tag, how did they do that?

Check above

I’ve looked at it but I’m not sure, do I have to remove this?

How can I make it so that by default tags are hidden? We only use the tags for our staff so most of the time the tag needs to be hidden anyway.

how to do that thing when shows currently talking and the name is colored?


When the resource is running the IDs of the players online
are spamming in F8. Someone know a fix for this? Its kinda anoying :slight_smile:
Screen: http://prntscr.com/u4xcn4

Yea, I’m seeing the exact same thing here as well. I’m trying to set this up and opened my F8 by accident and noticed it’s just a constant stream of that.

Just comment out the debug code, it was a debug message

i tried to convert this to show the vrp player id above head but show same id as the original version
and in fivem console with my edited version for me and my friends show same id (https://prnt.sc/ulr8zl)
