Documention moved [refer to following for instructions]: DiscordTagIDs | Badger Docs
Archived Documentation Below:
Version 1.0
Yes yes I know… I only make discord-based scripts. Well, you’re damn welcome!
This is a script that added prefixes to ID tags above players by using fully discord roles thanks to IllusiveTea!
I also wanna give thanks to MrDaGree for originally creating the script this was adapted onto! You can find that here, [Release] Changed Player Name Tags & Distance Names
You must have this installed and properly working for this script to work → Discord roles for permissions (im creative, i know)
Installation Tutorial
/tag-toggle - Turns off the prefix from being shown for the player (if they have a prefix in their tag)
/tags-toggle - Turns off all tags from being shown above other players for ONLY yourself (good for streamers and/or pictures)
/headtag - Check what Head-Tags you have access to and change them with /headtag [id]
Running /headtag:
On /tag-toggle not being active:
On /tag-toggle being active:
On /tags-toggle for tags not being active:
On /tags-toggle for tags being active:
How does the tags look on players? Let’s have a look
The 1s in this part of the server.lua file must be replaced with the IDs of your discord roles that are equal to the prefix you have associated with it:
roleList = {
{0, "~w~"}, -- Regular Civilian / Non-Staff
{1, "~r~STAFF ~w~"}, --[[ T-Mod ]]--
{1, "~r~STAFF ~w~"}, --[[ Moderator ]]--
{1, "~r~STAFF ~w~"}, --[[ Admin ]]--
{1, "~p~MANAGEMENT ~w~"}, --[[ Management ]]--
{1, "~o~OWNER ~w~"}, --[[ Owner ]]--
- Download DiscordTagIDs
- Extract the .zip and place the folder in your /resources/ of your Fivem server
- Start the resource in your server.cfg file
- Enjoy
My Other Work