🚨 Core Car Rental - Zipcar, Easy car rental for new players! [PAID]


Populate your city with rental car locations and offer an alternative to old methods like taxi’s or walking! This new method is already being used in few cities and citizens are loving the hassle free and modern way of transportation!


Preview link


  • Plug and play
  • Bad parking protection
  • Penalties
  • Damage protection
  • License support
  • Optimized


  • ESX
  • esx_license (Optional: if you want to let only citizens with a license to rent cars)


The code is not obfuscated and nicely presented with comments! If you don’t like to tinker with code the config allows you to change almost everything!


Buy it now! (20% OFF) Our Tebex


Nice work! <3


Well done sir, have not tested this yet, but look forward to it.

As per my previous issue, it was quickly resolved and the script is downloaded… Forgot that sometimes we make silly mistakes… However, just for next time OP I would double check links! I will give updates on if I personally think It is worth it after I play around with it.

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Can you make a screen of resmon?

This is when you are outside of the zone! And at rare times you are within the zone its reaches 0.1 ms

there is a very simple change that can be made to make it sit at 0.01 ms when not by an area

Awesome script. The city is enjoying it

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Nice script,

What car hud is that if you don’t mind me asking?

How long does it take to get the download link? I bought it yesterday and got no link

check junk mail

May I ask about that carhud please? Where abouts did you find it, Also the script is awesome!!!

I remade it.

Whereabouts can I buy that hud at? Also I am talking about the vehicle HUD, not the actual hud… :slight_smile:

it’s not for sale now if many people will be interested i will make a public version for sale but it needs to be optimized more!

Alright! Let me know if you have a beta version I will be more than happy to test it out :slight_smile:

Hey, great script, its working brilliantly out of the box. Just a few questions, can it handle any vehicle class or just cars?
As for connecting an ESX fine feature within the config, without recording anything in a database, what do I need to define to simply remove money from xPlayer account when they are caught?

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Hello, can be converted to other framework like qbus?

It can its no enceypted. But if youre asking if i will do it then no :slight_smile:

Very nice script! We are very happy with it

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Since the cars have the same license plate my inventory for the glovebox and trunk are all the same for every car that spawns.