Advanced Drug Selling

:star2: Advanced Drug Selling Script! :star2:

Take your FiveM server to the next level with our Advanced Drug Selling Script. Designed for seamless integration with ESX and QBCore frameworks, this script offers a comprehensive and immersive drug selling experience.
Asking why you need it ? Here is a few examples

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:rocket: Key Features:

1. Compatibility:

  • Frameworks Supported: Support for both ESX and QBCore
  • Target Systems: ox_target, qb-target
  • Notification Systems: ox_lib, qbcore, or ESX
  • Dispatch Systems: cd_dispatch, linden_outlawalert, ps-dispatch, core-dispatch, qs-dispatch

2. Realistic Transactions:

  • Dynamic Pricing: Prices for drugs like Weed, Meth, Crack, and Heroin vary, providing a realistic market experience.
  • Sell Chance: Each drug has a unique success rate for sales.
  • Negotiation and Risk: Negotiate prices with NPCs, but be cautious – high negotiation differences might lead to dangerous confrontations!

3. Law Enforcement Interaction:

  • Police Requirements: Set the required number of police online for drug sales.
  • Dispatch Alerts: NPCs may report illegal activities, triggering police dispatch with configurable chance.

4. Immersive Gameplay:

  • Animation Props: Realistic animations with props for each drug type.
  • Experience System: Gain XP from successful transactions, with bonuses based on your reputation.
  • Delivery Missions: Perform delivery missions to specific coordinates for extra rewards.

5. Customization:

  • Sellable Drugs: Configure multiple drugs with specific settings for price, sell chance, and more.
  • Ped Timeout: Control how long NPCs are unavailable after an interaction.
  • Reputation Command: Track your reputation with a simple command.

6. Safety and Control:

  • Gun Chance: NPCs might pull a gun on you if negotiations go wrong.
  • Police Jobs: Define the roles for police and sheriff jobs for your server.

:earth_africa: Seamless Integration:

  • Safety: Script use an advanced measures against cheaters and dishonest players
  • Configurable: Easily adjust settings to match your server’s needs with a user-friendly configuration file.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Enhanced User Experience:

Enable or disable debug prints and target boxes with ease. Experience the most immersive and realistic drug dealing scenarios, keeping players engaged and excited.

:briefcase: Setup and Support:

  • Easy Installation: Simple to set up and configure.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Step-by-step guides to get you started quickly.
  • Community Support: Join our community for support and updates.
Code is accessible In some parts
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements ox_lib, QB/OX-Target, ESX or QBCore
Support Yes