5Crime Prop & Material Robbery | QB - ESX - Custom

:package: 5Crime Prop & Material Robbery | 5CRIME.COM :ninja:

5Crime Prop & Material Robbery offers an all-in-one simple robbery solution for FiveM servers, featuring an immersive experience system, multiple ways of robbing props, effects such as explosions and electrocution, place custom props around the world, and alot more.

Important Links

:movie_camera: Preview / Showcase: 5Crime Props & Material Robbery | 5Crime.com - Imgur
:credit_card: Buy Now: 5Crime | 5CRIME Prop & Material Robbery

Script Purpose / Ideas

  • :ninja: Configure any prop and make it robbable
    a simple configuration to make any prop around the map robbable.
  • :man_construction_worker: Add custom props around the map
    Have the ability to add custom props around the map that are fully synced that can be robbed for a reward / materials. Or with no functionality.
  • :boom: Effects
    Trigger different effects on success / fail of robbing the prop. Built in comes an explosion, electrocution and some other effects. and the ability to integrate ur own effects.

Key Features

  • :people_holding_hands: Multiplayer / Syncing
    Want players to work together? All 5Crime resources are fully synced between players allowing them to interact and work together to achieve a more fun and enjoyable experience.
  • :arrow_up: Progression / XP System
    Customize the progression system to your liking or completely disable it, the choice is yours With easy integration of all skill systems, and a simple configuration you can have an advanced and progressive system that adds thrill and a grind to the resource, ensuring players progress through the criminal world.
  • :hourglass: Cooldown System
    Configure Cooldowns to your liking. Whether you want to set a cooldown per location, all together, or a global cooldown between all 5Crime resources, the option is yours with a simple configuration adjustment.
  • :grin: Optimization
    We ensure the optimal experience with our resources, stress testing the resources on 300+ player servers monitoring the resource monitor, and more. Our resources do not have any constant loops or checks and nothing runs unless interacted with. Allowing the best performance possible.
  • :warning: Security / Exploits
    Our resources are mostly server sided with alot of checks, making sure nothing can be exploited and reducing the load on the client.
  • :page_with_curl: Compatibility and Configuration
    All 5Crime Resources are fully compatible with all popular frameworks and inventory and interaction scripts. You can contact us to integrate more resources in our compatibility list.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Make sure to watch the youtube video to see all of the features of the script :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
5Crime Props & Material Robbery | 5Crime.com - Imgur

:rage: 5Crime Resources :rage:

script thumbnail script thumbnail script thumbnail script thumbnail script thumbnail script thumbnail script thumbnail

more resources coming soon


Framework Compatibility Extra Things to know
QBCore :white_check_mark:
QBX :white_check_mark:
ESX :white_check_mark:
Custom Framework :white_check_mark: (Requires you to have development knowledge to integrate it)
Standalone :white_check_mark: (Requires you to have development knowledge to integrate it)
Other Scripts
Script Type Compatibility
Inventory ox_inventory, qb-inventory, ps-inventory, qs-inventory, codem-inventory, aquiver_grid_inventory, core-inventory, and more…
Target / Interaction qb-target, ox_target, world interactions, and more…
Notifications ox_lib, qb-core, and more…

Open a ticket to if you have any questions about compatibility concerns.

Code is accessible Partial (Framework Integrations & Configuration)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 400
Requirements ox_lib
Support Yes