5Crime Gabz Ammunation Robbery | QB - ESX - Custom

:gun: 5Crime Gabz Ammunation Robbery | 5CRIME.COM :gun:

5Crime Gabz Ammunation Robbery offers an all-in-one ammunation robbery solution for FiveM servers, featuring an immersive experience system, 11 ammunation stores, multiple ways of initiating the robberies, lots of loot variations and more.

Important Links

:movie_camera: Preview / Showcase: 5CRIME Gabz Ammunation Robbery | FiveM Development | QBCore - ESX - Custom
:credit_card: Buy Now: 5Crime | 5CRIME Gabz Ammunation Robbery

General Robbery Information

  • All Robbery Steps can be ordered as your liking example :

  • 11 Ammunation shop

  • All shelves, clothing stands, weapon counters can be robbed

  • In the big shops hack the keypad to gain access to the back door where u can find the big crate and more shelves

  • All robbable items can be toggled on/off

  • Cooldown can be global or single per shop

  • Whitelist Weapons in the config to break the counters and rob them

  • 2 different required police count numbers between big shops and the small shops

  • Disable any shop from being robbable

  • Exploit checks and Discord logs integrated

  • 2 approaches for opening the crate ( bomb / crowbar )

2 Different Approaches for robbing the big weapon crate (toggleable on/off)

  • :bomb: Bombing The Crate
    plant a bomb on the crate wait for it to explode and then loot it
  • :pick: Breaking The Crate
    use a crowbar to open the crate and loot it

Key Features

  • :people_holding_hands: Multiplayer / Syncing
    Want players to work together? All 5Crime resources are fully synced between players allowing them to interact and work together to achieve a more fun and enjoyable experience.
  • :arrow_up: Progression / XP System
    Customize the progression system to your liking or completely disable it, the choice is yours With easy integration of all skill systems, and a simple configuration you can have an advanced and progressive system that adds thrill and a grind to the resource, ensuring players progress through the criminal world.
  • :hourglass: Cooldown System
    Configure Cooldowns to your liking. Whether you want to set a cooldown per location, all together, or a global cooldown between all 5Crime resources, the option is yours with a simple configuration adjustment.
  • :grin: Optimization
    We ensure the optimal experience with our resources, stress testing the resources on 300+ player servers monitoring the resource monitor, and more. Our resources do not have any constant loops or checks and nothing runs unless interacted with. Allowing the best performance possible.
  • :warning: Security / Exploits
    Our resources are mostly server sided with alot of checks, making sure nothing can be exploited and reducing the load on the client.
  • :page_with_curl: Compatibility and Configuration
    All 5Crime Resources are fully compatible with all popular frameworks and inventory and interaction scripts. You can contact us to integrate more resources in our compatibility list.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Make sure to watch the youtube video to see all of the features of the script :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
5CRIME Gabz Ammunation Robbery | FiveM Development | QBCore - ESX - Custom

:rage: 5Crime Resources :rage:

script thumbnail script thumbnail script thumbnail script thumbnail script thumbnail script thumbnail script thumbnail

more resources coming soon


Framework Compatibility Extra Things to know
QBCore :white_check_mark:
QBX :white_check_mark:
ESX :white_check_mark:
Custom Framework :white_check_mark: (Requires you to have development knowledge to integrate it)
Standalone :white_check_mark: (Requires you to have development knowledge to integrate it)
Other Scripts
Script Type Compatibility
Inventory ox_inventory, qb-inventory, ps-inventory, qs-inventory, codem-inventory, aquiver_grid_inventory, core-inventory, and more…
Target / Interaction qb-target, ox_target, world interactions, and more…
Notifications ox_lib, qb-core, and more…

Open a ticket to if you have any questions about compatibility concerns.

Code is accessible Partial (Framework Integrations & Configuration)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000
Requirements ox_lib, Gabz ammunation mlo and interaction script of choice
Support Yes
1 Like

Hey brother, looks like a mad script, for some reason every time i go to get on your website it gives me an error. I attatched a photo

Hey, the store is down for a bit. We will reply to this again when its back up. Apologies for the inconvenience.

store is online :saluting_face: