Zone Creator v0.1.2 [ For developers ]

Polyzone Creator

A script tool that facilitates easier creation of zones using the zone scripts.

Dependencies : polyzone or ox_lib


cd web

yarn > yarn build

yarn build:dev for development

Alternatively, you can directly add the Releases folder to your server.

! “The script supports 2 different zone scripts. After specifying the zone script you want to use in Config.lua, import the file related to the zone script you want to use in fxmanifest.lua and remove or comment out the import related to the other script.”


example Polyzone

local PolyZoneMode = exports['polyZoneCreator']:PolyZoneMode();

RegisterCommand("startCreate", function()
    local options = {
        name = string, -- (optional) the name of the zone. If not provided, a form will be opened;
        placeholder = string, -- (optional)
        buttontext = string, -- (optional)

        --  data = {
        --     succes = boolean,
        --     name = string,
        --     points = vector3[],
        --     minZ = double,
        --     maxZ = double,
        --     polyzone = polyzone,
        --     error = string
        --   }
    poly = PolyZone:Create(data.points, {
                name =,
                minZ = data.minZ,
                maxZ = data.maxZ,
                debugGrid = false,
                debugPoly = false
    end , options )-- (optional) 


local PolyZoneMode = exports['polyZoneCreator']:PolyZoneMode();

RegisterCommand("startCreate", function()
    local options = {
        name = string, -- (optional) the name of the zone. If not provided, a form will be opened;
        placeholder = string, -- (optional)
        buttontext = string, -- (optional)

        --  data = {
        --     succes = boolean,
        --     name = string,
        --     points = vector3[],
        --     thickness = number,
        --     minZ = double,
        --     polyzone = polyzone,
        --     error = string
        --   }
        poly = lib.zones.poly({
                name =,
                points = data.points,
                thickness = data.thickness,
                debug = false,
                inside = inside,
                onEnter = onEnter,
                onExit = onExit
    end , options) -- (optional) 



Arm Wrestling

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really nice to be honest , any way you could add boxzones / circlezones to it ?

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Of course, that’s possible. For now, I’ve only added the features I needed based on my requirements. I’ll add the other zone types in the next few days. You can follow the repository to stay updated on the developments.

thats brilliant , i will 100% use it , im in the process of developing a city at the moment and this tool is a game changer

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why is not showing… on my end… :frowning:

Have you made the correct adjustments according to the zone script you are using?