Wheel damage, realistic car damage & park sensor

Realistic collision script, you can add collision points on as many vehicles as you want. When you collide, the tires can burst or pop off depending on the speed set in the config. Park sensor feature for any vehicle.

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:star: Features

  • High Configuration feature.
  • Park sensor feature can be enabled or disabled.
  • You can restrict specific vehicles or vehicle types.
  • Enable Test mode and add new Raycast lines.
  • Set how long the vehicle and how much damage it will take.
  • You can enable the motor to stop after the vehicle has taken a crash from the config.
  • Set the time for the motor to restart from the config.
  • Configure the placement of the park sensor (by region).
  • Change what the vehicle will take damage from and what it won’t (no enttiy, ped’s, vehicle’s, object’s).
  • Set the minimum collision speed.
  • Change the next crash detection time.
  • Set which vehicle types should have the park sensor (example: Compacts, sports, sedan).
  • Set what speed the tires will burst or pop off at.

:euro: Buy from tebex Open Source

:euro: Buy from tebex Fivem Escrow

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| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 500+ |
| Requirements | 0r-core (this is not framework) |
| Support | Yes |


0Resmon Quality


its script so sick !


+rep 0resmon high Quality

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I want to know whether the damaged wheel can be picked up for maintenance or whether it can fix the lost items that cannot be deleted

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yes you can fix it. We created an event for the repair

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Config = {}

Config.TestMode = false -- it enables test mode

Config.DamageTime = 10000 -- it repeat's damage to vehicle

Config.Damage = 90000.0  -- after crash will be given damage 

Config.ParkSensor = true -- it enables park sensor

Config.Sensor = {
    measurement = "in", -- you can change cm - inch 
    multiplier = 1, -- inch to cm multiplier
    Ray = vector3(0.0, -6.5, 0.0) , -- Park sensor dedection line 
    TestMode = false,  -- it enable park sensor test mode
    RedDist = 3.0,   -- red zone warning distance 
    OrangeDist = 3.7, -- orange zone warning distance
    DisableVehicleTypes = {
        [8] = false,[10] = false,[13] = false,[14] = false,[15] = false,[16] = false,[17] = false,[21] = false
        You can add here new vehicle types 

        0: Compacts  
        1: Sedans  
        2: SUVs  
        3: Coupes  
        4: Muscle  
        5: Sports Classics  
        6: Sports  
        7: Super  
        8: Motorcycles  
        9: Off-road  
        10: Industrial  
        11: Utility  
        12: Vans  
        13: Cycles  
        14: Boats  
        15: Helicopters  
        16: Planes  
        17: Service  
        18: Emergency  
        19: Military  
        20: Commercial  
        21: Trains  
        22: Open Wheel ]]

Config.HitIgnore = {  -- it ignores when hit any types
    [0] = false,  -- no enttiy, all 
    [1] = true, -- ped
    [2] = false, -- vehicle
    [3] = false, -- object

Config.DamageRadius = 0.1 -- vehicle damage visual size

Config.DetectionTimeForNextCrash = 1000 -- To avoid mistakes in successive crashs

Config.EnableMinCrashSpeed = true -- it enables minimum speed for damage indicators

Config.MinCrashSpeed = 5.0 -- minimum speed for damage indicators

Config.TimeoutWheeelRemove = 60000 -- 60 seconds to remove created wheel object

Config.StopVehicleWhenCrash = true -- stop vehicle engine after crash

Config.StopTimeout = 2000   -- re-engine start time

Config.ForceStopAfterCrash = true -- force stop engine instantly to vehicle after crash

Config.Ignore = {
    Enable = true, -- it enables vehicle ignore list
    VehicleTypes = {
        [8] = true,[10] = true,[13] = true,[14] = true,[15] = true,[16] = true,[17] = true,[21] = true

        -- same in 21. line
    Vehicles = {
        ["JACKAL"] = true

        -- you can add new vehicle modes write in capital letters 

Config.DamageIndicators = {
	{ name = "front_center", offset = vector3(0.0, 3.5, 0.0)   },
	{ name = "front_right", offset = vector3(1.5, 2.5, 0.3), index = 1, bone = "wheel_rf" },
	{ name = "front_left", offset = vector3(-1.5, 2.5, 0.3), index = 0, bone = "wheel_lf" },
	{ name = "mid_left", offset = vector3(-2.5, -0.5, -0.0)  },
	{ name = "mid_right", offset = vector3(2.5, -0.5, -0.0)  },
	{ name = "rear_right", offset = vector3(2.5, -3.5, -0.0), index = 5 , bone = "wheel_rr" },
	{ name = "rear_left", offset = vector3(-2.5, -3.5, -0.0), index = 4 , bone = "wheel_lr" },
    { name = "rear_center", offset = vector3(0.0, -3.5, 0.0)  },
	{ name = "roof", offset = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 2.0)  },

    -- You can add a new indicator for these indicators multiply the points where the vehicle can take new damage

Config.WheelModels = {
    wheel = `prop_tornado_wheel`, -- spawn object when vehicle tire brokes
    rim = `prop_wheel_rim_03` -- spawn object when vehicle rim brokes

Config.DamageLevels = {
        min = 10.0, -- wheel burst
        max = 20.0
        min = 21.0, -- wheel breakage
        max = 300.0
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Its possible in config set chance after crash for wheels if its stay or are gone from car?
Lets say from 1 to 10 chance after crash lost wheels?
I mean if set 1 its poor chance after crash lost wheels, but if lets say 8 then % of chance is big to lose wheels after crash.

I hope i explain my idea.

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This script is inspired by real life. In real life, this is determined by speed and collision severity. We’ve already tried to do that. In real life, the luck factor is very small.

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I just wonder, for too unreal wheel braking thats why i ask, but if this specific think is make with kinda real factor, then i guess no problem with that.
I just dont want to loose wheels on 50km/h speed crash lol…

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You can change from config. Minimum damage limit. The lower limit of when the wheels will burst and the minimum lower limit of when they will break are adjustable.

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Ohh, then safe. ty for reply.

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We cannot change the time after the crash and the damage visuals. I crash now, in 5-6 seconds i’ll see the visuals. Any way to change that? if it’s so “based on real life” that should be direct, not something delayed 6 seconds after. Also you can simply reply to my ticket opened for 3 hours almost with no reply. would be awesome

Hello if we use s4-wheeldamage we can neither repair the cars via the admin menu and not via our mechanic job. We use QB Core. Can you help us pls?

TriggerEvent("fixVehicle") into the tool fix function of your mechanic script.
add this code. The mechanic must be inside the vehicle!

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I don’t understand that, where should I put that, I can’t find anything about it. I also have a ticket open on Discord. Maybe you can help me better there with screeshoots or something

I love the script but when I repair the vehicle the wheel stays broken. Sorry if I made an obvious mistake

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After the wheel has been repaired, the vehicle needs some driving. It’s just a display error, but the wheel will come back.

Is there a typical time I have to wait or is it random? As I said, amazing kid except for that small issue