When you buy the product, you will have purchased two scripts.
Pizza :
Resmon Value 0.1
Npc Pizza Sale Feature
The more ingredients you put, the bigger the pizza will be.
Hotdog :
Resmon Value 0.1
If you overcook the bread, it will burn and the hotdog production will be cancelled.
If you overcook the sausage, it will burn and the hotdog production will be cancelled.
Hello, Im having multiple issues after purchasing this script. First of all, I could not get the hot dog script to display the help text. Second of all, I believe that this script is missing very important code for this to work properly. After fixing the first issue, I had ran into another issue giving me a script error. I since have fixed this by making a change to the if statement. But then I noticed that there is nothing under the if states or anything else of the sort to start the UI “mini-game”. I think there are several issues around this script that needs to be addressed.
SCRIPT ERROR: @s4-hotdog/server.lua:26: attempt to compare number with nil
[ script:s4-hotdog] > TriggerServerCallback (@es_extended/server/functions.lua:160)
[ script:s4-hotdog] > handler (@es_extended/server/common.lua:124)
[ script:es_extended] SCRIPT ERROR: error object is not a string