New! Advanced Modern Hud [ESX/QB]


:gear:Every operation made in the Hud settings menu is recorded. The player’s cache file is used for this recording process.
:gear:Client side consumes 0.03 resmon when not in the vehicle and 0.03 ~ 0.06 when in the vehicle.

Update Notes

Update 1.0.3:

  • Implemented some code edits for S**** C*** and PMA Voice.
  • Updated some code in the javascript file.
  • Added trigger to close the small map.
  • Fixed a small bug with the day, month and year.
  • Fixed display bug.
  • Minor optimization work was done.
  • Added option for resmon consumption when in or out of the vehicle via Config.
  • Player update system has been changed.

Update 1.0.2:

  • Fixed an issue where female characters were showing 75 health even though they were at full health.
  • Location and microphone can now be moved (of course, locations are saved).
  • A notification will now sound if your belt is not buckled.
  • Fixed a bug in Notification.
  • Fixed stress bar not moving in QB Version.

Update 1.0.1:

  • Added UTC Time and Day, Month, Year statuses on the top left side. These information sections can be turned off and on in the settings menu. This setting is saved. You can set 24 time zone or PM, AM time zone via Config.

  • Keybind list has been added to the config file. You can add key and name from the config file.

  • Added stress for QB Core version. Stress bar will be in the same place as stamina. When your stamina is low, the stress bar will be hidden and the stamina bar will open. If the stamina value is 100, it will be hidden and the stress bar will become visible.

  • Fixed blips being too far away from the map for round map. A few code and stream related to the map were brought in terms of functionality.


:movie_camera: New Advanced Modern Hud


:bulb:ESX Open Sources
:bulb:ESX Escrow
:bulb:QB Open Sources
:bulb:QB Escrow

Other Scripts

:man_dancing:New Emote Menu (Animpose & Previewpose & 3D View) :dancer:

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:star2: Electrus Modern Hud :star2:

:dog: Advanced Pet System :dog:

:blue_car: Realistic car crash :blue_car:

:blue_car: Manageable Vehicleshop :blue_car:


Subscription-based :x:
Requirements :x:
Code is accessible :heavy_check_mark:
Support :heavy_check_mark:
Lines (approximately) 1707

My Best HUDDDDDD :exploding_head: :face_vomiting:


This looks really sick.
Cant wait to get it
to have a full image of it how it looks and works but it seems to be the really the best hud from him!
(and i even liked the v2 and v3already)
This topped all of them :heart_eyes:

The menu is really nice smooth and simple to use.
The symbols make it easy to see what you do and not even reading the text :sweat_smile:
The icosn are really clear but ist till dont understand whats the new stress display show maiby i get that in the futur.
Well i can only reccommend that hud since the support for that hud is also insane!


insane hudd!


Perfect hud i had ever seen! :yum:


Where’s my credit card oh my god :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Oxygen and Stress?

Stamina bar changes when you enter the water as oxygen, I recommend you to watch the video. Stress will come with the first update.

Update brought. The feature that comes with the update is available in the subject content.

Best script, good design, and fantastic support, thank you for helping the community :heart_eyes:

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Thank you sir! <3 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you sir. We always try to do the best.

as always awesome work from 0resmon!

Keep being the best and doing good work :innocent: :blush:

Thank you sir, that’s your beautiful opinion :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

A new update is coming soon :hot_face: :alien:

New year discount available!

Update 1.0.2 Avaible!

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Hud works great after the update ^^^^

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how the hell do i open the hud option menu? im on qb core