
you have to set yourself up as admin in the permissions, using your Steam id in admin then adding others if you want them as admins or mods and make sure to start up Steam before you join your server



Add players to any group you want, can be group.admin, group.moderator or any other group. you want.

Admin group players:

add_principal identifier.steam: steamid number/ group.admin

cara join server gimana gan?

Does someone know how to set of the dev tool for normal player. They can activate it and see all stuff like model outlines,model hashes, entity handles, players ID. So I tryed to chang this :

Disables the entity model outlines, model hashes, entity handles development tools section.

setr vmenu_disable_entity_outlines_tool true

So i put this on true but the player still can you all the stuff from the dev tool. Any tipps ?

kok saya gbs join itu tulisannya connection error trus knp ya

Is there a way how i can edit the Location Display position in vmenu?

@Vespura Do you have a fix on ped slowly sinking through the map on MP Ped Creation?

I had some problems using it for a while, but when I got through that stage it’s works like a charm.
great job :heart: :

Other people have problems with the vMenu taking up a lot of cpu time?
This cost a lot of FPS ingame.

Hello is there any option to allow player spawn saved peds but not allow them to spawn saved ones from other servers ? i mean i got animals disabled but they still got them as saved ones…

You can spawn animals via spawn with name. You should get a ped blacklist.

i know i meant vmenu saved ped option… they have saved peds from other servers… I want to use it but to have peds which they have from me not already saved from local …

Deny then permission to spawn animals, It should say “You cannot spawn this ped because you do not have permission to this category” how it does similar to vehicles.

How do I change vmenu.everything to disallow Voice Chat

Simply remove the entire permission for Voice that will fix it

Hello I searched for this but didn’t find anything on it. Is there a way to add a search/filter feature (like the banned players list has) to other parts of the menu, for example I have a ton of saved vehicles, I want to be able to search, is it possible to add that? Or is there already a forked version with that feature? Thanks!

dont give people vmenu.everything
as it says in the permissions.cfg #add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.Everything" allow # (Don't touch this, unless you're stupid or you know what you're doing :^) !)

hmmm yes

Idk if I’m doing this wrong or what, but I can’t get vmenu to recognize that I have the group.admin permission. (Yes ik it’s the server that reads the perm.cfg and not vmenu) I’ve done exactly as the permissions documentation showed, but all the settings I marked as group.admin and group.moderator are hidden. I did the exec thing above start vmenu in the server.cfg as well. Any help appreciated, don’t want everyone having ban permissions.

how can i complete hide misc settings from menu ?
i try lot of configs but i fail

Hello, I have been having a problem with my vMenu lately. Whenever you customize an MP ped the camera will freeze and after saving the Ped you can’t move (even if you don’t have the menu open). I have tried everything to fix it but can’t. I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this.