
hey does anyone know how to turn off player names

Same I cant seem to turn off names

I know there’s a permission config for disabling torque/power but is there a way to limit it to like say… only x2 torque/power max and nothing more?

I need help because the addon car section says that this server has no addon cars, but I have used them before and they worked just fine

:warning: Be aware of ‘paid’ vMenu versions :warning:

Recently I’ve been getting an increased amount of reports from people saying they’ve bought an ‘updated’ vMenu version and it doesn’t work. Often these versions are advertised as “fixed”,. “custom”, “improved”, “updated” versions that, and most of these versions are “paid” for various silly reasons. They often also claim that they have a license to sell these versions and that they are (fully) made by the person selling it. Never trust such claims.

The official vMenu license states that you’re not allowed to sell (modified/original) versions of vMenu or claim it to be yours.

Please note that these are NOT official releases, possibly contain malware and are usually OUTDATED versions. I will NEVER, and I really mean never, SELL any version of vMenu.

All my updates have been, and will forever be, free.
vMenu is a community project, it’s open source, and everyone is free to contribute to the project.

I don’t update vMenu very often anymore, but I still merge pull requests and release new versions occasionally, especially around the time when GTA DLC’s become available in FiveM.

The official versions will always be available, for free, over at the GitHub page: https://github.com/TomGrobbe/vMenu.

ANY other website or Discord server claiming to sell “updated/fixed/custom” vMenu versions should be considered dangerous. DO NOT buy or download anything from a sketchy source.


Hi Vespura, Firstly thanks for your work on the vMenu, greatly appreciated.
I was hoping you could answer this. I have been able to extend the number of slots for mp peds in the vMenu so new clothes don’t overwrite gtav clothes but I was wondering if there was a way to have the new clothes (which are leo eup) accessed with another category in vMenu so the old and new are separated?
If you think it is, could you point me in the general direction Many Thanks.

In my experience, if the cars are in the addon.lua then they appear in the vMenu even if they are greyed out. If no cars are showing up then I would look to make sure they are there and if they are that there is no mistakes, look for missing , Bane of my life missing commas.

Im adding rp-radio and i have commented out all the voicechat in vMenu’s permissions.cfg, rp-radio works perfectly fine for everyone execpt me, also they dont see the vocie chat settings in their vMenu but mine still has it(meaning its still active some how on my end but has been deactivated serverwide). I made sure the
#add_ ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.Everything” allow
is commented out aswell.

Hi Vespura, thank u so much for this menu.

Recently I ran into a problem that gives admin rights to all players when I put “setr vmenu_use_permissions true”, the funny thing is that this is the default settings file and when I tried to fix anything to disable some options, it worked. Accordingly, I have another question which I want to get an answer to, when I copy STEAMID64 of my profile in steem, and add it to the file to give myself admin rights, everything remains the same. It’s the same with the license and all together. Help me please, I’ll be in touch all the time and try to answer as soon as you will answer me, if you can. <3

Does anyone know how to add the EMS (Engine, Transmission, Suspsension, Armor) mods to the vMenu, because I added a few cars and it only shows the change rims thing and not the EMS mods.

does the vMenu works with the 1.2 version of es_extended?

Can I have help with the Weather and time I don’t have access to it even as Admin/Staff

edit: weather flickers and changes every 10-15 seconds and time changes randomly as well. Any tips or help?

You need to set these permissions in the permissions.cfg file located


You also need to make sure that the group you give the permission to, which is typically already set to group.admin, is given to the user(s) that wish to have the role.

add_principal identifier.fivem:[FiveM Identifier Here] group.admin —[Name for reference]

Hope this helps!

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Hi what’s up?

How do I edit the height and location of vMenu’s Player Location Display?

I’m trying to do permissions for my server. Whenever I join and my steam hex is not in the files anywhere, I still have all permissions of the highest group (group.management). Just wondering if this is correct. ################################################################################ - Pastebin.com

Is there a way to see other players vmenu messages after they were sent? like not just on the screen for a second

Hi, I am new to developing servers, I installed vMenu on my localhost, it doesn’t have world related tab how do I show the tab, I have put my steam hex in the permissions.cfg, I mean the vMenu works just fine just can’t change the weather and time, if you know how to help me pls help.

You will need DiscordAcePerms and Badger_Discord_API in order to work (this is how I got it to work. so if there is another way mb)

hi every one so ive been trying to add manufacture car names to vmenu vehicle addons folder ? any one done this ? or to rename the default car names to audi, ford, mercedes, etc etc instead of them being named compact sports super cars ? and delete the default vehicles ?