
Does anyone know how to blacklist specific vehicles in vmenu.

seperate black list script

Do you know of one I can use I am just trying to block some in game cars.


How do I remove/disable Show Time On Screen inside permissions?

Hey man here’s one that worked for me. Sorry you had to deal with some lame ass kid who tells you to research instead of just helping you out. Hopefully this script works out for you. I tired others like fax-core but couldn’t get it to work.

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In the permissions.cfg you’ll need to move some hashes around. I believe it explains it in the readme.

P2Feener_305 Thankyou I was having a issue with fax core aswell.

is there any way to make never wanted level OFF for players by default
WITHOUT compiling again vMenu?

When i add locations they disappear and i cant figure out why

Can’t view “World Related options” for weather and time. Can anyone help?




Restricted to moderators/admins by default.

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.TimeOptions.Menu” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.TimeOptions.All” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.TimeOptions.FreezeTime” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.TimeOptions.SetTime” allow




Also restricted to moderators/admins by default.

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeatherOptions.Menu” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeatherOptions.All” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeatherOptions.Dynamic” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeatherOptions.Blackout” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeatherOptions.SetWeather” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeatherOptions.RemoveClouds” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeatherOptions.RandomizeClouds” allow

But what is limited though? I don’t understand. Do you instantly die if you teleport that far? Or can you not enter enough numbers in the teleport to coordinates input box? What’s the problem exactly?

Because like I said before, I’m not limiting the player to move beyond a certain location with vMenu…

Oh, sorry @Vespura for not being clear enough.

So, I installed no boundaries script for FiveM, that allows you to go waaay further than ever before (honestly, I didn’t even bother to find out how far off shore you can go, I just wanted to utilize couple of more dozens of square miles on top of original, playable area for new maps I’m working on :smiley:

My issue with vMenu is that I’m allow to

  1. teleport beyond x=16000, y=11000 (both + and - )
  2. no clip doesn’t work beyond same values, it acts like there would be an invisible wall and it just doesn’t work beyond it

…but the game itself allows me to cross those boundaries, but only “on my own” - plane, boat, car on add on map etc.

If you haven’t put in any kind of exception for this, maybe you could take a look into that no boundaries script for FiveM and try to implement it? It would be really great! We wanna go big :slight_smile:

This is what I’m working on, basically, it will be one simplified island based on Tokyo and nearby areas with all those famous roads for weebs. But unlike in singleplayer, where I can teleport easily many miles off shore (with similar no boundaries script for SP), I can’t do the same thing within FiveM (even if the modded server will leave my plane and myself alive).

I want to utilize more RP perks and immersion, so in it’s final stage, it should be around of area of original GTA island, but still barely visible from Los Santos. It’s a “different continent” after all. :slight_smile:

There’s nothing I can do to fix that. If GTA does not support teleporting beyond the original boundaries, then there’s nothing I can do to solve that.

Unless this behavior were to be changed by either making a native to disable this, or if the FiveM developers patched the game for this, it’s impossible.

Ok, appreciate the feedback on this!

how do I edit a file to change the language or where do I download the version so that I don’t have to copy it and just change the language?

@Vespura Hello, I am making a server and I would like to know how to order the cars by brands and not by classes, like in this photo, thanks

How do I go about fixing this error? “Warning: Resource vMenu does not specify an ‘fx_version’ in fxmanifest.lua”

FiveM Always Crashes When i Open Rockstar Via vMenu. Can Anyone Help Me?

I have looked everywhere for a fix to the problem I am having this is my last place to try and figure it out.
When I join my server I can open vMenu but I can only access Online Players and Recording Options, But I can see Player Related Options and Vehicle Related Options but I can’t open either of them, I have cleared my cache 3 times and the server Developer reset the permissions, still not working. Please Help!