this is a modified version of @pongo1231 's model blacklist, it allows you to have a whitelist on the blacklisted vehicles, so that only certain people will be able to spawn the blacklisted models. This also allows othe users to enter the car as passenger, but the car will be deleted as soon as they get in the driver seat.
What’s new in 1.5.0?
Peds and Weapons whitelist is here! Enjoy
uhm, this is unlikely to happen, since the only part i modified is the one reguarding vehicles and that @pongo1231 's version of the script is working perfectly.
For some reason, I am whitelisted to weapons even though I have added myself into Whitelist.lua and are able to access the whitelisted veh but not weapons.
Really appreciate it man, gonna test it out in a little since the server is currently Roleplaying. I’ll let you know about how it goes. Thumbs up for the quick update
EDIT: Weapon section works like a charm apart from the combat rifle, carbine rifle and both gas cans. Will report if anything else does not work .
Little issue I’m having it all works great the black and white list, however whitelisted ID’s can use vehicle’s and weapons, but peds does not work. It just outputs that the ped is blacklisted.