Vehshare.ytd streaming

veshare.ytd file doesn’t load anymore.
I found these lines in client logs:

[    109516] overriding handle for vehshare.ytd (was 1370439) -> 14c
[     67828] overriding handle for vehshare.ytd (was 1370439) -> 149

Problem started almost 3 weeks ago after a fivem client update regarding the streaming system.
Nothing was changed server-side.
File size is almost 8 mb so size limit is not a problem.
I use vehshare.ytd to stream custom license plates and wheel textures for custom rims so it would be nice if this could get fixed.


I will give a simple example:

vehshare.ytd containing custom license plates (replaced the original image files, not addons) added to customtextures/stream folder
__resource.lua added to customtextures folder
start customtextures line added to server.cfg

clean install, spawned car has stock license plates (modified vehshare.ytd doesn’t load).
i don’t know how to explain it better than this, it’s just an .ytd file and nothing has been changed server-side since the update that broke it.

Example of customtextures resource: HERE

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Cannot get it to work anymore and i am not the only one : Problem with vehshare.ytd

I have cleaned up this topic. I would kindly advice to refrain from posting if you do not have anything to add to this bug report. Saying “yes indeed, this doesn’t work” is not a useful contribution.

Is there anyway I can get access to the customtextures example again?

I can’t get this to work? :frowning:

Read this it will tell you how

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