The Diamond Casino Enterable MLO

Does anyone know whats cauing the doors to be non enterable, there seems to be glass blocking it and i cannot figure this out

You can look through the props, find the door prop and remove it. Other than that set a teleporter :slight_smile:

We have set a teleporter up, but when you enter it and the “ping” sounds from the “E” , its constant until you leave the teleporter, its not the doors its glass or something , and when you say remove, how do i do that, as you can guess i am new to all this :smiley:

Navigate to : casinoexterior/stream/mpheist_patch/ch3_12 and search “door”.

There should be 4 files that end with .ybn

I deleted those 4, worked for me.


hey I get stuck and cant walk through the main doors, any way to fix?

to solve the problem highways and ugly exterior remove the go-kart track.

to resolve the problem of the collision of the ports remove these files.

  • List item

I still don’t know why the tunnel is broken. I’m probably it’s a lod file. i’m to find out as soon as it’s resolved. I’ll post the solution here.


on my server these files but be careful they can be in the casino also ideal is to see through openiv

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i get this to, any update?

yea I messaged him he said The Diamond Casino Enterable MLO - #109 should fix it. The old one started glitching out my game and I haven’t tried this yet.

I have tested the solution from @Ch1ckenb0ne, works, but you need to remove all files who have the door word from the route casinoexterior/stream/mpheist_patch/ch3_12 and thats isn’t a proper solution for that bug.

Folder compare (Backup Data - Folder with solution)

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Also i’m uploading a video test for demonstration purposes for that solution.

Video of Testing

I apologize for that beep at the start.

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Hello, i have this problem:
Gyazo - Download - Google Chrome
any can help? thanks

Front door doesn’t open, help

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You maybe have another casino resource installed.

Just read. :+1:t2:

Have you restarted the server? Or executing the /restart casinoexterior on fivem console?

ok, maybe the client has cached properly the casinoexterior, you maybe need to restart the server and verify if the casinoexterior is on server.cfg

any fix for the tunnel yet??

I can confirm deleting the doors will fix the issue, how ever, I can’t enter the garage door, which file would that be?