The Diamond Casino Enterable MLO

Awesome MLO! I also wanted to mention for anyone looking to use this, that it is compatible with this script as well and adds some flare!

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Really great Release. Did the Penthouse stair already got fixed?

Amazing Map. ONLY issue is the front doors dont work. They open when u get close but cant actually walk through. I no-clipped in and the map looks amazing. Just walking in is an issue. Obviously not everyone can no-clip in. Any ideas?

See here:

Has this been fixed yet?

no i ended up adding a fast travel inside for now until i see a fix somewhere here.

Another weird thing is ever since putting this map in, this back door to the Vanilla Unicorn does it too. Cant walk through it but door opens.

i had this same issue until i update my game server

had to put “set sv_enforceGameBuild 2189” into my server CFG

game update 2060 was the casino so any working game build after that should work!

ok so this did fix the casino doors but still having issues with the Unicorn back door. Might be something else i have in. But thanks for this.

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true i know my comedy club doors randomly broke one day, not sure what i added but wont open anymore haha

Where exactly do you add this in server cfg? Is there a specific place to add it?

i set mine nearly at the top like 3rd row down, dont think theres a specific spot tho

Thanks man!!

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Hello everyone,

I encounter a small problem with the entrance doors of the casino, I duplicate them, in fact I have doors in doors.

I tried to search the forum but since I am using google translate I don’t see anything that can help me.

Thanks for your help.

still having a problem?

Some of the lower level is under water, in testing character will walk at an angle due to the water. Great idea, but honestly not really worth what it is going to take to get this to work. An entire update on this resource would be needed. If it wasn’t for the under water issue, along with the lighting LOD issue, I’d use this, but it’s extremely taxing on resources even on a high end server like I run.

Ran this on qb-core and while it is nice and I applaud the work done for this, just one thing that will bog the server down.

Hey Guys I need to delete roulette tables in there as My roulete script spawn tables . I have already delete the obeject where I saw roullete part but its keep appearing. how do I do that ??

You need to remove the roulette prop files from the stream folder, so it doesn’t load those entities.

i can do it for u

Got an odd issue with this, I don’t seem to be able to enter the casino, the doors open but I hit an invisible wall? Do I need to set up a teleport or something?

Well there is a fix for the doors… It was posted as a response to this topic… You have to remove the 4 door files that are .YDN files

" Navigate to : casinoexterior/stream/mpheist_patch/ch3_12 and search “door”.

There should be 4 files that end with .ybn"

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