The Contract Infos - Build 2545

You need to download bob74_ipl, it is a script that enables these IPLs and entitysets, and you can configure them how you like.

However you will need something that allows you to teleport to them:

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i ended up finding them in bob74_ipl even tho its not all of them (didnt includee the yacht) on the name “dlc_security” idk why security but its there

Because not everything has been decrypted and discovered.

Map not load

Download latest recommended artifacts for Windows or for Linux

This isn’t something FiveM can increase, however you can use latest gamebuild and enjoy 20 YMTs, just make them reasonably sized.

If you’re looking for informations about The Criminal Enterprises Update, feel free to take a look at the topic created by @0xLuca.


same is happening to me with the latest artifacts

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can anyone know how to remove celltowa motel collision? ty in advanced

Can someone help me with this house what was done with the contract because things are overlapping and I tried everything to start the server without mlos because I thought that there was an mlo but without success and I also tried to remove the MLO been nothing.

Hello, take a look at this:

have you a idea here for this overlapping ?

gamebuild 2699


Is it somehow possible to remove Bulletproof-resitant from all the new vehicles in The Contract?

I’ve tried with Script and with .meta files.

Thanks in advice.

Is there any chance you could post a couple of examples on how to use
I’m trying to implement this into our housing resource but I’m not getting results.

I have more textures above that are missing Do you know how I can fix it the fastest bring me something codewalker your other 3 data have already helped me thanks for your effort

Does anyone know how to remove the gun resistant glass effect on the new vehicles from the update, such as the granger2 which is armored.


Not possible as you are taking the game data directly

I just want to give a shout-out to @anon70864786 and @AvaN0x for their hard work and continual updates. One thing I have experienced since entering the “unique” world of development within fivem, is that many developers will not take the time to communicate and explain things. They seem to lose touch and only respond with smartass things like “read the document” or “you shouldn’t use it if you don’t understand it”, etc etc…

But both of you worked with many different people and keep quality updates!

Thanks for your work! and your communication!


Well… Yes and no, some people are just genuinely lazy as fuck and need to read the documents, the GitHub ReadMe, etc etc lol


You’re welcome :wink:

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