The Contract Infos - Build 2545

I don’t personally know, so I won’t answer on that matter as to misguide and misinform people. But in regards to the 2 big packs, perhaps 1 is male and 2 is female?

You are more than welcome to join the dis-cord and ask more questions to DurtyFree and the team over there :sunglasses:

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I’d love to see the Fixer App in action…

If you do this, keep in mind that there is a limit to clothing category per gender, per pack. You may only have a maximum of 128 synced clothing variations per category per gender. If you go beyond this, the game will accept the pack and it will appear to sync for you, but any index beyond 128 will roll back to 1 to anyone on the network who is looking at your ped.

I learned this the hard way


So as an example,

If I have added 127 Male Jbibs (each with 26 textures), and 127 Male Lowr (each with 26 textures) - I would be fine.

But the moment I cross to 129 on a clothing type - things go bad?

OR is it 128 in total, counted together between the different categories?

You should be able to get more information here

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You’d be fine if you assembled two packs as such. Just remember that you won’t be able to deal with hat hair clipping because of the YMT limit. We are on 2372 and have 3 packs because we have so many jbibs.

Pack 1:
Male: 128
Female: 128

Pack 2:
Male: 56
Female: 128

Pack 3:
Female: 13

The game engine is limited to 128 clothes per drawable type, if you add more than that things will go funky. It could cause clothes going invisible, not being streamed at all, game crashes etc. Just try to avoid that.

See Tays answer with my wiki article regarding this




  • Added banners and plaques for Agencies

  • Moved Agency Rockford Hills teleport coordinates, look for F. CLINTON & PARTNER sign

  • Cleaned up Therapist Office, added outdoor lights and teleporter to rooftop

  • Added teleporters for Humane Labs elevator as requested

  • Added teleporters for FIB elevators as requested, and breakable glass on rooftop

  • Added blip and teleporters for Solomon’s Office, forced door shut and ‘fixed’ collisions

Where do i find the handling files for The Contract DLC cars? :slight_smile:

mpsecurity folder :+1:t4:

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Cheers mate! :clinking_glasses:

Anyone having issues with Tuner DLC cars crashing when spawning on 2545? In this case the Cypher

It stops if i stop running a custom handling file. Error is always “oklahoma-tennessee-speaker”

Well there’s your problem then. I’m on 2545 and don’t have issues with this vehicle.

Might be the handling mod you’re using, did it include a vehicles, carcols, and carvariations metas?

Issue was i removed advanced handling from the Cypher, seems R* added some kind of detection, putting them back resolved the crash

Hello all :wave:

Not sure if it was posted already, but all cars use the same weapon hash for the machine gun:


You can use the following code to disable the gun when a player enters one of the Contract vehicles (Buffalo4, Champion, Deity, Granger2, Jubilee or Patriot3):

DisableVehicleWeapon(true, GetHashKey('VEHICLE_WEAPON_GRANGER2_MG'), vehicleid, PlayerPedId())
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Probably better off to just blacklist the weaponized vehicles and / or replace them with mods that removed the weaponize aspects of them.

Thank you!
Linked your post in the main topic. :smiley:

A lot of vehicle have weapons but could still be used.
For example the viseris has a custom which adds machine guns. So if the custom is not enabled, the vehicle can still be used, and if the weapon is disabled using DisableVehicleWeapon, then even with the custom, the MG cannot be used.

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so i have seen so many posts about ipls now and even the main post has many parts regarding the ipl but what do i need to load now to enable the IPLs added by the “The Contract” dlc?