[Standalone] [Paid] CS Styled Killfeed

I’ve sent you a dm :grinning:

The kill feed seems to not show completely, is it possible to recieve some support for this?


Sorry for the late reply, I’ve sent you a message here on the forums.

Hello everyone!

The issues regarding the killfeed not showing for some people have been resolved, and an update has been pushed to the keymaster.

The issue was that the game event CEventNetworkEntityDamage didn’t output the args in the same order when on game build 1604 compared to other builds.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience this has brought a couple of people, but the issue has nevertheless been resolved. Thanks for your patience!

Here is a full changelog for update 1.0.2!

  • Fixed issue regarding the killfeed not showing up on game build 1604 (use killfeed_alt if you have issues)
  • Removed unused variables
  • Rewrote the OnEntityDamage function to make it more optimized
  • General styling changes (added/removed whitespaces, add comments etc.)

how would I be able to disable the default gta killfeed?

Is this script work for only zone that want to show kill feed not the whole server can see

I’m unsure what you mean by the “default gta killfeed”, do you by any chance use vMenu?

By default, the killfeed displays all kills globally. However, you can set a max distance (Config.ProximityRange) in the config file to only show nearby kills, this can in essence function like “zones” to a certain degree.

The code is open source, so if the proximity range doesn’t suit your needs you could edit it yourself.

I hope that answers your question.

Great script.

Do you provide support for the script? Do you have a discord?

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I do provide support, I’ll message you.

Hi, I have noticed that the script runs based on the owner’s license, I have multiple devs working in my server so how would the script run for all of them in their localhost?

Hmm… I’m actually unsure how you would do that. This post doesn’t seem to give any real solution to such a problem even though it’s indirectly mentioned. The introduction post for the asset escrow doesn’t say anything about this either.

Maybe you could probably ask on the discussion page of the forum, someone else probably has encountered the same issue.

Sorry that I couldn’t give you a proper answer on this one, I just don’t actually know myself.

Update 1.0.3
Added new weapons that came with the latest GTA Online Update as well as an image for the buzzard for some added flavour.


  • Added GTA O: Drug Wars weapons:
    wm29_pistol WM 29 Pistol (WEAPON_PISTOLXM3)
    acid_package Acid Package (WEAPON_ACIDPACKAGE)
    candy_cane Candy Cane (WEAPON_CANDYCANE)

  • Added Buzzard image:

what’s the difference with killfeed and killfeed_alt

killfeed is the standard script, killfeed_alt is an alternative version that was added because some people had issues with the main one not always working (for some to semi-unknown reason).

So just test killfeed and see that it works as it’s supposed to, if not you can try killfeed_alt.

Sorry to bother you, but how do you support displaying ESX’s rpname display? :grinning:

In the server.lua file on line 185 there should be a function called GetPlayerNameByServerId, inside that function you can set up the code that would get the rp name from esx.

Here is how it might look like:

ESX = nil
TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

local function GetPlayerNameByServerId(playerId)
    local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerId)
    return xPlayer.getName()

Now it must be noted that I don’t use esx, so I have no way to test the code, but I think this should work.

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OK I will test it

it works

Salut normal qu’il sois crypté CFX ? Alors qu’il est dis que le script est libre… Il ne fonctionne pas du tout pour mon serveur vu que je possède pas de clé CFX dédier pour la compatibilité