Can I use the same license key on localhost?

I was looking in the forum but the only threads/docs i could find were a bit old or contradicting each other
This for example

my question is:
When I have a license key installed on a server (let’s say the production one), the documentation says that I shouldn’t be allowed to start another instance at the same time with it.

but here I am, able to start the server without any error whatsoever.
Is the documentation right?

The point is this: we are a team of 6 people (I cannot create 6 keys anyway) working on a server and we need our local servers up and running most of the time in order to test stuff before pushing it to git.

Can i keep working this way or will it eventually get fixed?


When I asked this question a while ago, I was told I could use the key on any of my game servers, dev, live, home hosted, etc.

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Hello, @stubfx

Yes you may be able to run multiple servers on one key how-ever this is bound to cause major issues when connecting or just in general. As it currently stands a member can have up to 3 active keys at once.

Every FiveM account has access to the keymaster So your development members can create their own localhost servers and test the scripts on there. You mentioned you’re using github so this shouldn’t be any problem. They can fetch the scripts and recent changes test them out etc and push a new working version which can then be validated and pushed to production. This is how my team does it and we never had any issues what-so-ever. Alternately you can host a “dev” server with one of your keys where you test those scripts live. Meaning nobody has to have a local host and every dev has access to the console, files etc.

I hope this clears up some confusion!

Best Regards

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I am asking this question specifically because of the “quite new” escrow on the market.

This should make impossible to run a script that has been purchased with an account on a localhost server if everybody as a different key (from different keymasters).

Therefore I think I’ll go (to avoid any problems in production) with a unique key for the production server and the secondary one will be shared with all the team as long as it works.

Thank you!


A local server is still using a key from that users account. The key escrowed script, asset or item is linked to your account which also houses all your keys. This means aslong as that key is valid and active the user can have 3 servers running The default max key value and still use the purchased assets.

I hope that clears that confusion out of the way.

Personally I use all 3 keys. 2 are Production / Development and the other my local host just to play with friends or with family.

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Yes my bad, I explained myself very poorly above :sweat_smile: :rofl:

What im saying is this:
I purchased the script, so with my account i will make a key (key 1) limited to the production server.
Then i’ll make another key (key 2) that i will share with the dev config (the dev one is in the same repo)

Since you told me

this is bound to cause major issues when connecting

In this way if there will ever be a problem with the secondary key (key 2), the production server will never have any problem.

In any case we can always bring up a server for the devs even in production, we are already working with github webhooks to auto deploy on the current (dev) one.

Thank you for the clarifications though!