[Standalone/ESX/QB] Train & Metro System (Driving & Passenger)

Hello I am Releasing my first paid script today.

This script adds a fully working train and metro system that can be driven and ridden by players!

It supports any framework or can run fully standalone. I offer support on how to set it up on your server.


  • Drive Metros, Freight and Passenger Trains though Los Santos
  • Passengers will be able to enter both the Metro and the normal Train
    • For the Metro players will be able to enter the carriage and then sit down (Walking around freely is bad due to desync)
    • In the Train carriage players will be placed in a seat and can switch seats freely
  • Fully driver controllable doors on Metro
  • Collision Detection to prevent Trains running into each other when there is track congestion, system knows if there is a train ahead and will stop any trains behind from getting to close
  • Ticket System
  • Locked Spin gates at all subway stations that only allow passthrough if player has a ticket
  • Train Driver/Metro Driver Job
  • Map Icons for all Metro and Train Stations
  • 911 System that can be configured to call the police if someone without a ticket is on a train
  • Fully customizable amount of train variations with complete support for custom models and length/amount of carriages

Update Version 1.1.1:

  • Added Localisation Configuration file to allow full custom language support

Update Version 1.1.0:

  • Added fully configurable station system
    • Drivers will have to stop at stations for a configurable amount of time
    • Passengers and Drivers will get alerts of the upcoming station when they get close
    • Drivers will get strikes and get fired from driving trains if they reach a configurable amount of strikes
    • Drivers will see a indicator of their next station, that will change to current station if stopped and also indicate in colour if they have stayed for long enough
  • Added NPC passenger system
    • NPC’s will now spawn that will board the train’s driven by players
    • System is randomized so NPCs will have different models, max amount of NPCs per station, spawn locations, target platforms and carriages they will sit in
    • You can configure how many max NPCs will spawn at each in game hour (for example only 2 at 4am but at 9am a max of 8 can spawn)
    • Ped Models of NPC’s that can spawn can be configured
    • NPC passenger system can also be fully disabled
    • NPCs will walk to train for Metro system (they cant do this with train system since the platforms all do not have nav-meshes)
    • Train driver will see on their screen how many NPCs are currently making their way onto the train
    • Once the NPC gets to their random target station they will walk to a configurable exit and then de-spawn
  • Added option to have map blips include name of stations
  • Made switching seats better (now there is a cooldown so the fading screen doesnt bug out anymore)
  • Bug Fixes
  • Added some more comments and stuff to config files
  • Split up server and client files into sperate files to make development more efficient

Config Files:

All config files can be seen here:

Buy Here

Code is accessible No except config
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 5000
Requirements Included
Support Yes

def going to grab the qb version when its drops

You can already use it with QB just have to configure it in the config files, I can help with any issues if you contact me for support

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do trains run with out drivers?

NEED ESX if so <3 Sync’d / onesync?

Hello Is it available for esx? and is the ticket an item? thx

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No it’s a player driven train system for the moment

It can be configured to work with ESX via the config files I will make a preconfigured version soon for both ESX and QB

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Sad! Hoping for AI driven.

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I can try and get that working to issue is how GTA handles trains it has to be controlled by a client, the server cannot control trains. So it would be very janky

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I tryed it last year on my project with trains riding themselves… never finished it.

Will watch your project, keep up the good work.

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How do you spawn a train?

You clock in at the locations marked on the map and then summon it using F at the location and it will spawn

the freight train dotn spawn for me

Aye it’s certainly a task to get them to drive nicely by themselves GTA limitations are just too big

i have a script by bigdaddyscripts that does that

Did you install the required resources.zip file

Can we change the passenger train model & subway train model or no? Also is their a template to change the textures on that model?

Mhh yea that is possible it’s probs best I add a small update tomorrow so the models can be configured but all that is needed is for them to be put in the XML file

You probably didn’t download the required resources.zip that you get emailed by tebex

Excellent script, works great. AMAZING super fast support. You won’t regret buying!

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