Show Coords and Heading (Updated 23/09)

Simple script to show you coords and heading for making resources. Nothing special, just made it to help myself make another resource and thought others might find it useful.


Added vehicle body and engine health, along with rounding everything, also added player speed and health!


“Shower” :joy:

Might be useful for some people so +1

Nice script. This will come in handy :slight_smile:

Very useful, thanks!


I would personally add a command that requires either steamids or essentialmode for only certain groups can use this.


Well, simple /xyz command is more useful and doesn’t take screen space. Also, you can use es_admin2 which writes info to file.

Very useful for the times that you need the coordinates for new blip locations, etc.

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I made this for making another script, and as i only have my local dev server i never found this as an issue of course, but i can add commands and steamid check. Just gotta do some homework first :frowning:

Just Updated! Added vehicle body and engine health, along with rounding everything, also added player speed and health!

How can i turn in the System ans how can i turn it off?

*how can i turn it on and how can i turn it off?

How to start and stop this script ?

Put folder /showcoords in /resources
and add “start showcoords” in server.cfg


and hes crashed my fivem

Pls the link this is not funcional


Download link not working.


Link should be fixed

hi guys does anyone know how to get coordinates like this please {x = -253.10794067383, y = -630.20385742188, z = 33.002685546875},

Because i have script for speed camera only supports that type coords

Is this server sided?