Show Coords and Heading (Updated 23/09)

hey can you please re upload the link? I cant download it

@FurmaZ Github was having issues, nothing anyone could do about it

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great help man!

Made a quick edit to this that provides the Z value at the ground alongside the other information.

Open up client/main.lua and add this in at line 26

local retval, groundZ = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(playerX, playerY, playerZ, 0)

then edit the following line to look like this:

DrawGenericText(("~g~X~w~: %s ~g~Y~w~: %s ~g~Z~w~: %s ~g~H~w~: %s ~g~gZ~w~: %s"):format(FormatCoord(playerX), FormatCoord(playerY), FormatCoord(playerZ), FormatCoord(playerH), FormatCoord(groundZ)))

Handy for placing ground markers and other stuff.

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Errr that doesn’t exist?

Very useful mate thank you very much. Just what I was looking for