ServerSync (Time / Weather / Wind + More)


Time, Weather, Wind and other synchronization options.
Inspiration taken from Vespura’s Vsync : vSync (v1.4.0) | Simple weather and time sync


I no longer have the time to maintain this resource or answer questions about it. I’ve ensured it works as of 6/24/2020. The community is more then welcome to submit pull requests against the github repository and I’ll look at those from time to time.



  • Synchronized Time for all players
  • Synchronized Weather for all players
  • Synchronized Wind for all weather types
  • (Optional) Vehicle turn signal indicator synchronization
  • (Optional) Vehicle window up/down synchronization
  • Customizable weather patterns
  • Customizable day / night cycle lengths.


/weather <weathertype>
/time <hour> <minutes>

Installation / Configuration

  • Grab the files from the download link above.
  • Add any ACE perms you want/need to your server.cfg:
    Example file: ACE perms example.cfg
  • Look carefully through and edit the heavily commented config file:



  • Added chat suggestion for the /time command.
  • Added error handling for weird /time arguments.


  • Fixes Typo error caused by ss_cli_indicators.lua in lines 27 and 31
  • Adds functionality for turning the traffic or crowd modules on/off using ss_enable_traffic_density or ss_enable_crowd_density

copy + pasta?

Not from Vsync? I may have gotten inspiration from other scripts not credited. I wrote the original version of this resource a few months ago but I’m trying to give back to the community.

I’ll go through my references and see if anyone turns up that needs credited and give them proper recognition.

Add real time function for time sync?


Well you kind of beat me to it, was doing something similar but different. I was going to pair cloudhats with weather patterns, use 3d modelled cloudhats with enhanced depth perception. Reduce traffic, crowds, npc density with weather patterns such as rain. If you want “real” time and weather you can use a weather service api. The true amazing effect you can achieve is if you pair weather with cloudhats, rain intensity, wind intensity, weather and cloud transitions with cloud opacity and time cycles. These are all todo:s you can add to this project. If you would help with these things just DM me. Anyways, good work!

What is different with this and vSync exactly?

@SuperDaniel by all means man fork the repo and add them. I’ve never worked with cloudhats before and I would be more then happy to help / add them in.

@Gregamite mainly I wanted to remove the ‘snaps’ of the time changes. If the script notices you are out of sync, it will gradually try to get you there (for weather) for a smooth transition. No more just instant cloud change + thunder.

For time it checks periodically against the server acting as an authoritative time keeper, and keeps in sync with the server. It prevents people using trainers / menu’s to change their time, and be out of sync with other players in the game.


Tested works fine and also low ms good job

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Outstanding script!

Only issue I’ve had is the sky occasionally flashing when weather transitions. I’ve also noticed the clouds flash every few seconds. I’m not sure if this is related to natural vision or the script.

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I just think for if in server time i 11:00 sync eith player time for 11:00. :smile:

Sorry mate for my english and my question so dumb xDDD but i dont know how add perms on my server for this script… someone can help me?

Vespura wrote up a good explanation about how to find your ID’s and ACE perms. You should look for his posts.

Im sorry again but my problem doesn’t with identifier, more like with how add perms ACE. I tried tonight and my test server went downt xDDDDDD so where i need add this perms and how?.. sorry again if this post is so dumb but im bit noob on terms to dev and scripts.

One more time, thx for help and im sorry for my english

may i ask how can i add the snow weather in automatic weather change system ? with chance like rain

Look at the bold below.

This means CLEARING (which is a light rain) can now move into SNOW or SNOWLIGHT.

then “SNOWLIGHT” can move now additionally back to CLEARING… same for “SNOW”

ss_weather_Transition = {
[“THUNDER”] = {“OVERCAST”}, – Always rotate away from Thunder, as it’s annoying
[“XMAS”] = {“XMAS”},

TLDR: Left side is what the weather current is, right side is options it has to transition to.

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ow thanks and also can we put a chance if its snow it take longer than other weathers ? because snow is really good for FPS boost :stuck_out_tongue:

With how it’s written above, there’s a 66% chance that snow would continue each time it cycles every 15 minutes (the default).

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Just to add…

Halloween does nothing but looks to set the weather to neutral, this is used for the North Yankton map from what I’ve found. The same can be said for Blizzard and Light Snow as they do not set snow on the ground which would mean they were made only for SP missions in North Yankton.

Its also a shame that the RAGE engine doesn’t allow you to transition over time into Snow either, no matter how much I test or try to make it happen, it just doesn’t, you’ll always snap into snow.

So to keep it “immersive” I’d recommend keeping Halloween, Blizzard, Light Snow and Snow on a configurable setting on the side where they can be turned on/off based on the state of what the server owner would like.

Update: Halloween weather type from the looks of it requires you lock the server time to 00:00 to get the correct effect… wish I knew this a week ago!

just for info
if there are people who use vMenu

go in your permission files and desable

‘‘setr vmenu_enable_time_sync’’
‘‘setr vmenu_enable_weather_sync’’

if not, this possible to have a white screen every 5 secondes.


Are you able to freeze weather?

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