[Releases][Free] CayoTwoIslands

First time playing, he needs to cache things. You also need to be in gamebuild 2189 or higher and update your gamebuild. Scroll to the top and read.

Iā€˜m running on 2189 already.
We drove a few times there but he always had just water there somehow

This seems really confusing, and unfortunately I really donā€™t know why this would be the case.

So you can see it, but he canā€™t?

Right, i have everything there.

He just has water there and maybe some floating objects like the runway lights, bug nothing else.

Hmm, tell him to verify his game files and be sure heā€™s on the latest DLC. Also try gamebuild 2545, the latest one, and download the latest server build.

hello is it possible to remove trees from the island?

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Yes. Look in ymap folder. Should be self explanatory. Donā€™t want it, delete it.



  • Copied ybn collision files from CayoImprovements over to CayoTwoIslands

  • Added updated files for dock chairs, fishing rods and added back wooden planks, as there is a scenario there and a ped would be floating, eating a donut in mid air

  • Added new collision removal file for island beach party to both projects, this was collisions leftover from the rug/carpet that is originally there, but I removed

Update has been pushed to my github

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Can you help Tay, how you removed the snow falling?

To remove the trees and possibly fix some FPS,




delete them both :slight_smile:

However, Cayo Perico is a heavy demanding island as it is so if you have potato PC, unfortunately my two resources may not be the best for you as theyā€™re intended to ā€˜improveā€™ the island, hence the additions.

Iā€™m having issues getting several props not having collisions in the hanger;
Iā€™ve tried re-installing, clearing the cache of both my client and the server and had no luck.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Not a big issue, probably something I did with ybn collision files. For now, ignore it. Isnā€™t game breaking lol

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I have no idea why this happens. For some people it happens on this version, for other people it happens on the other version, all I can suggest is perhaps using the commits in GitHub to download an older version or something, I literally do not know.

no problem bro thank you for your replay i will try to work on it

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Hello, everything works great and loads except the little register area at the runway, the register is there but the counter under it is not there resulting in a floating cash register. Any suggestions?

:thinking: I might have messed something up recently when I tried to reduce the amount of trees etc. Can you try going through commits and downloading an earlier version and testing that? Iā€™ll look into it but yeah, odd.

How do you remove NPCs that donā€™t move or anything?

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I downloaded the latest version two days ago, the cash register counter near the runway is appearing normally as intended for me. But the tarped pallets in the hangar are missing collisions, which is mostly a non-issue for me.

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