[Releases] ESX_brinksjob

Dont press E while you exit the truck then LOL Its the same as the old Garbage code nothing i can do.

Actually on line 619 change the false to true and that should get even if you are leaving the truck when you hit E.

Thank you i will do that for the garbage code aswell

Credit to SpikE_Odets on the garbage v2 thread for that :smiley:

Anyone please ?

Try install > [RELEASE] v2: Fix holes in the map (up to After Hours)

Thanks dude.

Hello friend, could you please explain to me better what I should do with the YMAP file?

I have the following issues:
I did not see the “carts”, my first mission was on the bank of the square, I put the truck on the yellow marker, I pressed “E”, the message was shown to look for the cart to collect the money, I got off the truck, to the safe and found nothing.
The SQL file is incomplete, it’s missing the value of the female skin, this one I was able to correct, I just added the missing values.
Could you help me with what to do with this YMAP file, and with the carts?

I would suggest the author of this instead of using ymap to put in the carts… just update the script to have the script spawn the cart at the location the are driving to. This would solve the issue of having to use a ymap to add in the objects.

in the config for each stop… just add in a pos to spawn the cart. Then when they get say 150m from the destination - spawn the cart - set as mission entity - freeze the entity so none can move it and your set. Once mission is done… you set the object as nolongerneeded and when they drive away it will despawn as they get out of range.


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im sorry, i can not resist. YOU ARE THE KING.

@SpikE_Odets Feel free to fix it :slight_smile:

Inside your folder esx_brinksjob, create a new folder called stream. Then move Bankprops23.ymap into that folder, and it should work.

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esx_brinksjob.sql (1.2 KB)

This is my fixed version if anyone needs it


Excuse me, i was trying this with a friend, but he can’t interact with my carts…On the original garbage you can play it “Multiplayer”. It’s something wrong ? or not yet implemented?

Thank you! Awesome script!

This job isn’t set for multiple people. Only garbage crew is multiple. So no you didn’t do anything wrong it’s just not coded like that.

I seem to have an issue no one else is having but once the money is loaded and I get back in the truck nothing happens , no prompt where to go or what to do next. Am I missing something here , or what should happen ?

hi everybody

could you help me ?
I would like to add to the craft of the brinks the possibility that only the team leader and the boss can interact with the weapons management menu in the premises of the brinks

But I can not do it, here is my last code test, I would like to add also the possibility of being able to take a vest by bullet like the LSPD

function OpenArmoryMenu(station)

  if PlayerData.job.grade_name == 'interim' then
        ESX.ShowNotification(_U('Tu n\'as pas l\'autorisation pour gêrer les armes'))

  elseif PlayerData.job.grade_name == 'member' then
        ESX.ShowNotification(_U('Tu n\'as pas l\'autorisation pour gêrer les armes'))
  elseif PlayerData.job.grade_name == 'manager' then
        table.insert(elements, {label = _U('get_weapon'),     value = 'get_weapon'})
        table.insert(elements, {label = _U('put_weapon'),     value = 'put_weapon'})

  elseif PlayerData.job.grade_name == 'boss' then
        table.insert(elements, {label = _U('get_weapon'),     value = 'get_weapon'})
        table.insert(elements, {label = _U('put_weapon'),     value = 'put_weapon'})


  ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'armory', {
    title    = _U('armory'),
    align    = 'top-left',
    elements = elements
  }, function(data, menu)

    if data.current.value == 'get_weapon' then
    elseif data.current.value == 'put_weapon' then

  end, function(data, menu)

    CurrentAction     = 'menu_armory'
    CurrentActionMsg  = _U('open_armory')
    CurrentActionData = {station = station}

hello I have a problem, I have installed the resource but when I test it I drive the truck to the yellow mark and it asks me to press the E key. I press the key and the mark disappears, I cannot return the truck and a backpack does not appear either. Please, I would like you to help me.