Simple proximity Voice Chat resource, inspired by LambdaMenu.
Update 17-12-2018
I will no longer be maintaining/supporting this resource. The GitHub repo has been archived. Fork it if you want to update it yourself.
ScriptHook disabled, but still want to have proximity voice chat just like LambdaMenu? Then this is the resource for you.
It’s simple, works out of the box, yet has multiple configurable variables for those who want to customize it.
Configurable features
Set default voice chat proximity (this is synced for all players)
/voice toggle enables/disables the voice chat for that player (you can disable this feature)
/voice distance <veryclose|close|nearby|distant|far|veryfar|global> changes the voice chat proximity for every player (this feature can also be disabled)
(using this to change the proximity will stay until the resource/server is stopped or restarted)
disable voice chat completely for everyone
Non-configurable features Unless you know what you’re doing of course
See who’s currently speaking near you (similar to Lambda Menu)
local voiceChatProximity = "veryclose" -- default: veryclose
-- valid options are: veryclose, close, nearby, distant, far, veryfar, global.
local voiceEnabled = true
local allowProximityChange = true -- Allow people to change the chat proximity using /voice distance <proximity>
local allowVoiceToggle = true -- Allow people to disable voice chat for themseleves using /voice toggle
More info
click me
Proximity options
veryclose = 25 meters close = 75 meters nearby = 200 meters distant = 500 meters far = 2500 meters veryfar = 8000 meters global = unlimited meters
Known bugs
If you have a custom chat resource, the commands may not work correctly. In that case use the server console instead, or preferably switch back to the regular FiveM chat!
With very long usernames the text could become off-centered.Fixed in v1.1!
@Vespura The script is not working anymore, do you have any Idea why? If I’m entering one Command it shows it in the chatbox as it is but not that it has changed something, seems like the command is not known
- Removed unused code
- Removed old text display code
+ Recoded the text display part to make sure the text is always centered on the screen (even if you have a rediculously long username)
+ Updated text style.
It said that the resource started, with no issues in the server log. But upon joining, players including myself are getting the message Could not load resource vVoice
Not sure if this is an error, or it simply isn’t a feature yet, but when I tired your script it seems to only work one way. Basically if someone is on veryclose they can only hear people close to them, but if for example someone is on normal they can still hear the person on whisper.
So just as clarify people can have different voice settings (for example player 1 can have veryclose and player 2 can have on far and it shouldn’t be an issue?)
Not with this resource, this syncs it globally so the proximity is the same for everyone. If you’re using Lambda Menu’s voice chat then it can be different for each player.