[Release] vRP Playerlist

How can I add a timer to prevent spamming ?

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Hello, I try your script but online time doesn’t work properly, no error in console when I start the server, what can I do?

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No help on this for how to put up change names and not use steamnames? Else I love the script, would like it to be moved down a bit to middle of the screen too, any help on that?

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@glitchdetector Hey :smiley::smiley:
Have you thought about vrp2?

No, since I’m primarily working with vRP 0.5 I won’t be getting into vRPex any time soon.

I just released this one working for vrpex and vrp after 1.0 (versioning is not strong with the vRP maintainers).
This script will be updated to vRP2 quite soon.

i have some questions, how can i move the icons? and the rank or job text is automatic or need to add on the script? and how can i add the rank to player

is it possible to show Total time as in how long he have been in the server

64/128 edit?

hey is there any way i can change the keybind to something other than x?

my server is 80 players and when it geos above 38 the screen is not enough how do i make it smaller

how can i make it smaller guys?

Yeah, In playerlist.lua/line 77

--Displays playerlist when player hold X
if IsControlJustPressed(1, 323) then --Start holding

You have to change the 2nd number “323” the key you want
You can check the controls here: https://docs.fivem.net/game-references/controls/

How can I fix it?

The vRP file utils.lua couldn’t be loaded. Maybe ensure your installation is valid and up-to-date.

Any idea on how to change the playerlist to fit more than 60 players? For instant, this one

Any fix ?

change key for 213

Is there a way to change the ID from the vRP ID to the server ID or would I have to write out a new function to get the server ID?

64 slots edit?