[Release] [Standalone] 🎥 Spawn Cutscene

Spawn Cutscene

  • Highly customisable
  • Smooth welcome
  • Let user’s stats load and his skin
  • Prevent disconnect/reconnect advantage
  • Better welcome for new users
  • Fast support
  • 0ms when the cutscene is over
  • Instant delivery (download link by email after purchase)
  • 5 cutscene available (fast ~3.5s / short ~10s / normal ~30s / long ~55s / fromtop ~9s)
  • Full code access (not obfuscate)
  • Your players will no longer fall under the map after their spawn
  • 8 € without tebex taxes

Preview Video : Youtube
Config file example : Image

Buy it now: Tebex Link


nice system =)


Hey nice script! Is it compatible with kashacters

Hello thanks !
No it doesn’t care about other resources, but the code being accessible you can make it compatible with, for example in kashacters a loop which waits for the user and validates its spawn

Nice one, but havent you consider adding something like player change from gta v? Like you see the cutscene after that your camera goes up like in gta v and then goes to the player with blur fade n stuff?

Hello, yes, why not but I wonder how I can send the update to all the people who have already bought :thinking: Because this is the second release that I am selling and I do not yet know all the tips :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Use google drive.
You can always just update the existing file on there, and it will keep the same url.

Indeed I had not thought of it, thanks :ok_hand:

Nice work! Can we change the music?

Hello, thanks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Of course, see the example configuration file it is written

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Perfect, can’t wait to try it

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There is already a resource for that called JoinTransition

Yes but he speaks at the end of the cutscene, when the camera returns to the player

when a player is new. he can’t make himself a character

we use esx

Hello, try to set these configurations as false:

Config.SetInvincible = false
Config.SetInvisible = false
Config.DisablePlayerCollision = false

As soon as he presses the space bar, the menu for creating characters disappears

Maybe you can change the key in the script to replace by another one?

this happens with every key

Maybe you could wait before opening the character creation menu?

For me its the same. Its a so nice resource but its broken with esx character creation because its standalone…