[RELEASE] [FREE] 😴 Idle Cam Manager

:sleeping: Idle Cam Manager

If you play servers for a bit you know that when you observe something, listen or wait without moving your mouse, the camera will start to move on its own.
With my resource, you can choose to leave this feature on or off.

:chart_with_downwards_trend: Resmon: 0.00ms when idle cam is enabled, 0.01ms when it’s disabled.
:video_camera: Preview Video: Youtube
:page_facing_up: Config file:

:desktop_computer: Download: Direct Download // Github

Other resources made by myself:

:movie_camera: Spawn Cutscene
:broken_heart: Hurt System
:thought_balloon: Notifications System


You can actually optimise this even further if you want to - the idle cam kicks in only after exactly 30 second of inactivity (not touching any controls), so the Wait(5000) could be increased and it’ll still work. Not that it’d make a whole lot of difference, though :smiley:
If you want to make this resource even better I suggest adding an export so the idle cam can be disabled with a single line inside some other resource instead of having to code a loop in every resource that needs it. Other than that, good job!

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Thanks for trying to improve my work but what do you mean by “instead of having to code a loop in every resource that needs it” since it only needs to be executed once in a single resource

Nice work :upside_down_face:

That isn’t really correct - the InvalidateIdleCam() native, if ran once, will only invalidate the current idle cam and then give you a 30-second window, after which the idle cam will be working again.
In order to prevent the idle cam from initiating “forever”, the native needs to be run in a loop, being fired every period of time that is shorter than 30 seconds.

This is what is currently done in the code

Very cool, thanks!


…I expected this to be paid.

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What do you mean? :laughing:


while true do






add to any client :man_shrugging:

1.1 available:

Can I use this as a standalone script? I play in a server and I get tired of idling. Do I need to request the owner to add this or do I add this client-side? If so, how do I install it client side?

Hey, yes it’s a standalone script.
But now you don’t even need this script since this native exists:

So the owner of the server just need to place this native in any part of a client script :slightly_smiling_face: