[Release] [Standalone] 🎥 Spawn Cutscene

Hi, sorry for the problem, you should find a way in the esx character creation to wait for the cutscene to end

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Same problem :frowning: Please fix

will this work with non esx servers

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Hi! Yes of course , it’s a standalone version so it doesn’t need any framework
Have a nice day! :v:

New players can’t create characters.

They are stuck in the screen where space bar appears and can’t create character.


This is not from my resource, you must have a resource that takes over or disables controls during character creation.
If I were you I will try to deactivate the resources that are necessary when a player arrives in order to determine which causes this.

Hi! New players are kinda bugged in the last camera position that you provided (tried with every option) during character creation, so they can’t see their character. Can you help me figure out a fix for this?

Hey @Kris0821, provide me your tebex payment id in pm I’ll help you asap

is it possible to change the video so it shows where things are like different locations ?

Yes you can edit position