[Release] SexySpeedometer & Tacho ( Dashboard Elements, Skins, Fuel )

Except it’s not, it’s objectively worse than FRFuel in almost every aspect

i only saw it and said oh nice. will test it now to see what it is

Edit: ok some stuff not nicley made but i like the electric cars load and the different fuel price at the stations.

I really like this script man! keep it up going! :smiley:

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so this does not support advanced fuel they are the only ones ive seen with a vrp fuel script or does frfuel work with vrp now?

correct, this resource does not support “advanced” fuel system

you should ask that in the VRP/FRFuel topics, not here

hey no worries m8 thx for quick reply

Hey buddy,

since i dont use vRP anymore. But ive found my script for frfuel.

make a file called price.lua with this inside:

local Tunnel = module("vrp", "lib/Tunnel")
local Proxy = module("vrp", "lib/Proxy")

vRP = Proxy.getInterface("vRP")
vRPclient = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP","vRP_frfuel")

fuel = math.random(5,10)-- Randomised fuel cost, ranges from 5-10(5 is min and 10 is max - can be changed) by BenjaTW 

function round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
  local mult = 5^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
  return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

AddEventHandler('frfuel:fuelAdded', function(amount)

    local user_id = vRP.getUserId({source})
	local player = vRP.getUserSource({user_id})
    local wallet = vRP.getMoney({user_id})
    local cost = fuel * amount
	vRPclient.notify(user_id,{"The Fuelprice is " .. fuel .. "$"})
    local nWallet = wallet - round(cost)
    local paidAmount = vRP.tryPayment({user_id, round(cost)})
    if paidAmount then
        vRP.tryPayment({user_id, round(cost)})
        vRPclient.notify(player,{"You filled up with " .. round(amount) .. " litres of fuel"})
        vRPclient.notify(player,{"Filling up today cost you $" .. round(cost)})
        print("Debited" .. round(cost))
    elseif not paidAmount then
        TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, "911", {255, 0, 0}, GetPlayerName(player) .."  has made off without paying for fuel and is now wanted")
        print("Fuel payment not successful")

couldn’t get it working with FX for some reason

Any Errors? The Resource was designed for FXServer so there is no reason it shouldn’t work

i ment to reply to Ultras thing about the vrp frfuel addon idk why it didn’t tag i click reply on his post but anyways your speedo is great just need more color options

well you can always edit the textures and colour it however you want to :^)

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for me its working.

drop it as filename price.lua inside the folder where the frfuel DLL file is and reducting money should work with vrp when filling up the car

i think i was still using the one from cfx and trying to convert it with the module to FX and i think i failed but ill give this one a try later when i get some time

I love your work very much, I find it very interesting! An implementation with a fuel system or something else could be even better. Continue like this :wink: :+1:

But there is? it just doesn’t suppor these wannabe “fuel systems” that dont use the inbuilt V natives

Ah! I have not looked at the code for the new update. But if you say so! In any case the interface is really beautiful and well integrated

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Anyway to just get this client side?

Awesome job !!

But i got a request, is it possible to have a version with 360 km/h at max (~220 mp/h) ?
Same overlay, but juste change the value by [ 30 - 60 - 90 - 120 - 150 - 180 - 210 - 240 - 270 - 300 - 330 - 360 ] like this

In fact i use my own handling.meta on my server, that’s why i’m asking. So most of the cars handle more than 220km/h.

Anyway, great speedometer (specialy with dashboard elements)
+rep :slight_smile:

any-chance of getting this to work on an aircraft and boats or at-least the fuel part?