[Release] Re-release of DOJ like radar

Download the radar.rar to get my version

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What do you mean

Wants the text to be smaller on the screen … not so big

Ehmm, i had issues with it. But i will try to make it smaller in the next update:)

So i added the RAR version to the server restarted and press F11 once in a police car. It will not open :frowning:

I see the issue ! you have whitelisted vehicles. My police vehicles are not under the default slots :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, nice;D

Looks amazing :smiley:


Thank you :grinning:

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It takes a server restart for the script to update when you make changes to the config. However its really nice and work really well compared to others out there :smiley:

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Awesome, love it!

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OMG, lol that is the best thing i heard all day

I do not understand what is so funny ? :thinking:

It just was the resourse had an whitelist and I didn’t notice being all excited to get it installed and running. It was fixed in a later posting.

So I made a small edit to the script to disable controller support - Here it is! :smiley:

Z - opens the radar
X - pauses the radar
Page UP + Fast Speed
Page Down - Fast Speed

-- logic (the musician)
	while true do

		local _whitelist = false
		if whitelist.enable == true and IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then
			if has_value(whitelist.vehs, GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false)))) then
				_whitelist = true
		if whitelist.enable == false and IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then
			_whitelist = true
		if ( IsControlJustReleased( 0, 20 ) or IsDisabledControlJustReleased( 0, 20 ) ) and GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) and _whitelist then -- Z
			radar.shown = not radar.shown
			radar.freeze = false
		if ( IsControlJustReleased( 0, 73 ) or IsDisabledControlJustReleased( 0, 73 ) ) and GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) and _whitelist then -- X
			radar.freeze = not radar.freeze
		if ( IsControlJustReleased(0, 208 ) or IsDisabledControlJustReleased( 0, 208 ) ) and GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) and _whitelist then -- Page UP
			radar.fastSpeed = radar.fastSpeed + settings.speedInterval	
		if ( IsControlJustReleased( 0, 207 ) or IsDisabledControlJustReleased( 0, 207 ) ) and GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) and _whitelist then -- Page Down
			radar.fastSpeed = radar.fastSpeed - settings.speedInterval

i like the setup of your huds .does the script have them included?
if not can you share them as well. thank you

The damage hud for the car or?

I’d drop the decimals, otherwise looks cool.

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good. I have a PT server, in which the names of the cars are different, and most of them do not. because?
best regards

Can you link me to the vehicle used in the video? :3 Thx in advance