[Release] RC-Car Script


What is this?

  • This is a rc-script.
  • You use /rc ingame.


  • You will now be able to drive your own RCCar.
  • You steer it with UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT -> Arrows.
  • It’s synced everyone will see your tablet and rccar.

Download & Installation

Using Git

cd resources
git clone https://github.com/qalle-git/rdrp_rccars



  • Add this to your server.cfg:
start rdrp_rccars

Screenshot Driving
Screenshot Camera

Video of the resource
Video of the resource v1.1

Feel free to give feedback.


Amazing release ! Keep it UP!

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if you dont mind answer whats that resource called ? the Press [E] to pick up


It’s this resource or what do you mean?

I have seen in several servers that option for Picking item and enter building

Well it’s not a resource it’s a 3DText and the function is in this resource.


ty <3

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Could you tell me how to do this, the player had to have RC in the inventory?

local rcrc = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('rc').count
if rcrc > 0 then

Is this a good?

If you’re using ESX and would like to use an item.

Create a server file.

local ESX = nil

TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) 
    ESX = obj 

ESX.RegisterUsableItem('rccar', function(source)
    TriggerClientEvent('rdrp_rccars:rcCar', source)

Add this into that file.

Add the item rccar.

Add this client event.

AddEventHandler('rdrp_rccars:rcCar', function()

hahaha this looks sick


Just a heads up, not really important but running /rc twice will leave behind an RC Car you can’t pick up, and shooting near the left behind RC Car will force it to drive away on it’s own like a panic’d NPC, gotta admit it was hilarious.

Oh shit, i thought i added a check. Lemme fix that.

Awesome script!
Im planning add ability to modify vehicle and maybe select from more vehicles…

Also, i think that there is a drone added in last update, it would be so awesome to implement it, but i think its not made as a car, but just as a prop :frowning:

Ye there loads of modifications on that rc-car, you could make it able to drive it to an vehicle thingy where you can modify it :slight_smile:

hmm, then it would also need saving modified vehicles to db…

animation prop?

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which line we must add ?

RegisterNetEvent('rdrp_rccars:rcCar') AddEventHandler('rdrp_rccars:rcCar', function() RCCar.Start() end

he told u? but u need a ) on the end where u register the event

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Perfect, does anyone know how to put the camera on the car?