[Release][Paid] Be a CEO - Business script

Script description:

  • GTA Online style business system;
  • You can buy any company configured in the script (already has 11 configured like Maze Bank, Galaxy Nightclub, etc.);
  • You can work on your company to generate profits;
  • You must collect supplies in order to generate products and sell products to earn money;
  • Supplies are needed to make research modifications or generate money. They can be stolen from a variety of sources or a fee can be paid for supplies to be delivered directly to the company:
  1. You can steal supplies , go to the location marked on the map and blow up the charge with C4 to collect
  2. You can steal supplies , go to the marked location and steal the cargo and take it to your office garage to receive it (when you choose to steal this way, you may have NPCs trying to hinder you on your route, this option can be disabled in the configuration file)
  3. You can buy supplies , and they will arrive at your company automatically within a certain time
  • You can allocate your employees to generate products or you can allocate your employees to generate research points;
  • The products can be sold to the countryside or to the city to generate money;
  • Research points are used to make upgrades in the company;
  • Extremely configurable script, all values can be easily changed in a well explained configuration file
  • Well optimized and without bugs;

Video Demonstration


  • vRP / vRPex
  • ESX


  • pt-BR
  • en-US
  • fr-FR


  • MySQL


  • I’ll give you full support on the script. You’ll have the script working on your server or i give your money back!


  • Yes, the source code is encrypted.
  • You can have full access to the NUI code (html,js,css).
  • The script has a huge config file where you can configure almost everything in the script.

Do you like the script?

Thanks :smiley:


Will you make a esx version?

I have no experience in esx, so i think i’ll not convert

is the code encripted so we can convert it esx?

It is encripted.

It has only some vrp dependencies like giveMoney, giveItem, and i think it will not be hard to convert to ESX. I’m learning how to do that

i advise you to make a config that is not encripted where a user can define the function thats is called by your script, so it can be standalone

local function giveMoney() -- called by your script logic
    cfg.giveMoney() -- calls cfg-defined function

Nice script, would love it if it was ESX tho

if the code is obfuscated and encrypted at least mention it some where.

Update 1:
:white_check_mark: Converted to ESX

Anyway you will make it supportive for QBus?

1 Like

For QBus i dont have plans to do

1 Like

Update 2:
:white_check_mark: Script fully translated to en-US

If anyone have update suggestions, please feel free to post here :smiley:

Can’t have it for qbus, mods don’t allow it.


I have a relevant question,

When we buy via Tebex we are told a delivery within 5 to 10 minutes, it makes 2 times that I have to contact the seller myself, is this normal?

And the next day still nothing …

Thank you

Hey please convert this into Qbus framework

User asking to pay on PayPal instead of Tebex.

Hello does other people see that you doing bossiness missions?