[Release] Nurburgring GP and Nordschleife - 16.1 miles of race tracks for FiveM [v1.20]

i got crash when i travel to the map

@Brent_Peterson, could you, please, make an access in this section? I would like to make this free and utilize the perfect free space just behind pits. It’s a shame that you can’t get “off track” here and yet there is still a plenty of other spaces trough out the map where you can.

Btw., container was a nice touch, but this could be situated elsewhere as well, at least in this case.

I believe many people would benefit from this very idea too. :slight_smile:

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Hi, I play on a server where the Nurburgring is installed, sadly, it’s nearly impossible to play on it cause we constantly crash…

Is there a way to fix the issue ? I’d like to help the devs.

CitizenFX_log_2020-01-03T141513.log (555.3 KB)

i am obsessed with this map and the import to fivem is AWESOME .But we have a huge problem using it,if we teleport there we are getting every time TONS of warnings in console ,the map won’t load fully to all players and if you teleport out of the circuit ,you are loosing the normal textures of the GTA like in square or paleto bay ,etc the warning in circuit named :
This asset is INVALID,but we fixed it for this load.Please fix the exporter used to export it.
Details:Poly2 edge reference is invalid.It leads to vertex 13.When there are only 11 vertices.
Physics validation failed for asset nur4.col.ybn
And for many other ybn.
And with vertex 65533 when there are only 2120 vertices etc.
Is there something i made wrong ?Cause we really want to use this map but the server is unplayable.

Did someone manage to get the pump hash ? saw many people asking.
Thanks in advance

I want to try this on my server…are people still having server crashes with this?

Where i can download 151 MB Version? I’m downloading only 850MB File.

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how did you add fuel pumps?

how do you teleport back?

…by a teleport?

thanks a ton. I did not see the exit looked the same as the entrance! :slight_smile:

Hi, whenever a player takes the container to the map, they fall through it, what can I change to fix this?

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can you add texture for grass on island ? green color for grass is not very beautiful

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I have the same problem. Did you managed to get around it?


if anybody is using the “timetrials” resource, here are both races separately:

    title = "Nurburgring GP",
    isEnabled = true,
    showWaypoints = false,
    checkpointRadius = 15.0,
    checkpointTransparency = 0.6,
    mapBlipId = 315,
    mapBlipColor = 0,
    start = { x = 3717.2229003906, y = -6506.1674804688, z = 2190.7587890625, heading = 137.01416015625, type = 5 },
    checkpoints = {
        { x = 3579.1433105469, y = -6650.9809570313, z = 2189.50390625, heading = 136.39422607422, type = 5 },
        { x = 3370.8146972656, y = -6863.1108398438, z = 2185.201171875, heading = 134.87232971191, type = 5 },
        { x = 3226.0505371094, y = -6954.466796875, z = 2178.5366210938, heading = 42.510078430176, type = 5 },
        { x = 3245.6162109375, y = -6866.9223632813, z = 2179.2355957031, heading = 328.99157714844, type = 5 },
        { x = 3225.7744140625, y = -6746.7163085938, z = 2182.2722167969, heading = 81.237503051758, type = 5 },
        { x = 3055.134765625, y = -6797.8510742188, z = 2175.1538085938, heading = 151.82998657227, type = 5 },
        { x = 3146.6225585938, y = -6937.80859375, z = 2177.4450683594, heading = 171.61831665039, type = 5 },
        { x = 3081.2253417969, y = -7215.7749023438, z = 2174.6979980469, heading = 161.98738098145, type = 5 },
        { x = 3185.6989746094, y = -7447.3315429688, z = 2162.6340332031, heading = 151.56312561035, type = 5 },
        { x = 2907.1706542969, y = -7654.373046875, z = 2142.9377441406, heading = 137.81843566895, type = 5 },
        { x = 2745.1159667969, y = -7807.6337890625, z = 2135.9370117188, heading = 38.85523223877, type = 5 },
        { x = 2916.4670410156, y = -7581.7641601563, z = 2147.2736816406, heading = 314.82217407227, type = 5 },
        { x = 2945.9750976563, y = -7400.5473632813, z = 2162.6818847656, heading = 355.63372802734, type = 5 },
        { x = 3035.3083496094, y = -7099.5883789063, z = 2175.37890625, heading = 341.62551879883, type = 5 },
        { x = 3011.7529296875, y = -6946.3291015625, z = 2177.6240234375, heading = 65.729881286621, type = 5 },
        { x = 3016.7912597656, y = -6677.6479492188, z = 2161.9685058594, heading = 321.79135131836, type = 5 },
        { x = 3230.7634277344, y = -6496.6137695313, z = 2160.4709472656, heading = 283.73168945313, type = 5 },
        { x = 3506.359375, y = -6424.73046875, z = 2172.8442382813, heading = 282.03695678711, type = 5 },
        { x = 3621.0307617188, y = -6375.9345703125, z = 2181.1274414063, heading = 337.55813598633, type = 5 },
        { x = 3772.0639648438, y = -6298.0092773438, z = 2189.3364257813, heading = 281.87322998047, type = 5 },
        { x = 3858.2504882813, y = -6366.78515625, z = 2191.8315429688, heading = 145.66857910156, type = 5 },
        { x = 3717.2229003906, y = -6506.1674804688, z = 2190.7587890625, heading = 137.01416015625, type = 9 }
    title = "Nurburgring Nordschleife",
    isEnabled = true,
    showWaypoints = false,
    checkpointRadius = 15.0,
    checkpointTransparency = 0.6,
    mapBlipId = 315,
    mapBlipColor = 0,
    start = { x = 3808.5812988281, y = -6180.2299804688, z = 2198.7912597656, heading = 34.517868041992, type = 5 },
    checkpoints = {
        { x = 3738.7846679688, y = -6115.0756835938, z = 2196.365234375, heading = 110.06678009034, type = 5 },
        { x = 3562.1259765625, y = -6304.3872070312, z = 2172.3967285156, heading = 113.4914932251, type = 5 },
        { x = 2809.7026367188, y = -6003.0561523438, z = 2149.9482421875, heading = 80.79148864746, type = 5 },
        { x = 2233.0715332032, y = -4653.3618164062, z = 2136.3122558594, heading = 15.723192214966, type = 5 },
        { x = 1862.3931884766, y = -4069.6293945312, z = 2109.9597167968, heading = 66.36026763916, type = 5 },
        { x = 1932.094116211, y = -3901.4223632812, z = 2087.4851074218, heading = 290.82498168946, type = 5 },
        { x = 2733.0063476562, y = -2910.6875, z = 2044.8466796875, heading = 304.0206604004, type = 5 },
        { x = 3684.6735839844, y = -1943.8540039062, z = 1931.81640625, heading = 270.43563842774, type = 5 },
        { x = 4621.5087890625, y = -1577.0061035156, z = 1932.0782470704, heading = 303.76055908204, type = 5 },
        { x = 5108.9892578125, y = -2220.2045898438, z = 1974.226196289, heading = 245.54553222656, type = 5 },
        { x = 6355.8359375, y = -2381.7883300782, z = 2082.5927734375, heading = 305.28051757812, type = 5 },
        { x = 6614.3232421875, y = -2502.9721679688, z = 2126.4765625, heading = 307.3380432129, type = 5 },
        { x = 7358.7670898438, y = -2078.9025878906, z = 2181.7644042968, heading = 254.34376525878, type = 5 },
        { x = 7909.4233398438, y = -2858.3527832032, z = 2110.0441894532, heading = 182.7716217041, type = 5 },
        { x = 7475.5063476562, y = -3359.056640625, z = 2109.8671875, heading = 177.39701843262, type = 5 },
        { x = 7112.8452148438, y = -3809.6164550782, z = 2104.2587890625, heading = 151.30856323242, type = 5 },
        { x = 6180.2412109375, y = -4196.1044921875, z = 2123.4204101562, heading = 224.30256652832, type = 5 },
        { x = 6405.744140625, y = -4627.916015625, z = 2125.365234375, heading = 119.32774353028, type = 5 },
        { x = 4537.255859375, y = -5710.0263671875, z = 2157.5783691406, heading = 132.58056640625, type = 5 },
        { x = 4233.0688476562, y = -6093.4487304688, z = 2169.9963378906, heading = 138.64822387696, type = 5 },
        { x = 4115.0004882812, y = -6225.9497070312, z = 2180.1176757812, heading = 157.44969177246, type = 5 },
        { x = 4028.8940429688, y = -6256.2348632812, z = 2186.9311523438, heading = 98.033226013184, type = 5 },
        { x = 3905.4455566406, y = -6277.8901367188, z = 2192.3024902344, heading = 51.276866912842, type = 5 },
        { x = 3808.5812988281, y = -6180.2299804688, z = 2198.7912597656, heading = 34.517868041992, type = 9 }

nice one mate!!

Does anyone know the name of this or which ydr its in? Reffering to the large red fence that doesnt seem to fit, its part of this map because its gone when i stop the map.

cause by having multiple maps with matching prop names


Hi everyone, I have some special track maps
From Taiwan
I want to ask how to join 5M to use

: Joy:: Joy:: Joy: I can pay some fees

These maps belong to the AC model,
It is also a map unique to Taiwan,
Very important to us!
Hope it can be saved!
Please support me!!