[Release] Night_shops free release

made these shops using nh-context, nh-keyboard to select the amount, notification by default use mythic notify you will also need qtarget or bt-target depending on what you use set the config option, you can add more items if you check the client and server code really easy also included some images for the items if you want to use them



  • added illegal items seller
  • made a clean up of the code( less lines)
  • now you can change item names and price from config file


  • make sure you have all dependencies
  • go to nh-context client.lua and replace the first nuicallback to look like this

RegisterNUICallback(“dataPost”, function(data, cb)


TriggerEvent(data.event, data.args, data.arg2, data.arg3)




Video: Night_shops



Glad you got it working big pimpin :heart_eyes: good job and nice release


Another great release I can’t wait to put this in my server

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can u send me ur inventory

just to let you know you forgot to put
ESX = nil

TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj) ESX = obj end)
at the top of your server.lua

Is there a way I can get the type of Inventoryhud you have please?

I used esx legacy

oh right i get you.

+rep, Nice And Clean UI Loved it.

that doesnt work @SkellyKat_Gaming

It’s linden invetory with edited css by me

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wtf thats lindin

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nothing appears when I hover over him

What target you using qtarget or bt-target ?

bt target

Change the option on config to bt-target by default it works for qtarget

When ever I try to buy stuff it says its too heavy

Maybe you don’t have space in your inventory I made the check for weight

is it mean to be only one shop?

One for grocery and the other one for liquor