[Release] Nearest Postal Script

Pretty you did not do this. Cause this resource works fine.

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My PLD over laps a little bit, what do you use or how do I move mine up a little?

Alter the values in the PLD config.

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Thank you!

For others wondering, I went in to the config and changed it to this:



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You can also change the position of the Nearest Postal script display in the resource config now.

I have preset options for the placement of both vMenu PLD and ScriptHook PLD in there so you just need to change the values from there.

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Sorry, I do not understand, what would a postcard be and what would be his role?

I also do not understand, and I would also like to know what a postcard would be.

I mean in the game

I still don’t understand what you’re saying. Could you try to rephrase the question?

I just want to know what script function

what is the script called which shows in what location you are now?

ah, you’re talking about PLD (Player Location Display)?

HI is there a way that i can make the postal thing to be above the mini map? i am kinda a noob so dont know lol

For some reason only the map shows up for me, the postal codes are just not there, also the road directions and the ‘‘Nearest Postal’’ is not on my screen anywhere. Any fixes?:sweat_smile:

can you include a screenshot?


@Xodfather You need a “mapzoomdata.meta” file which is found in the client side download for the postal map.

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@Michael_Jacks I don’t think I understand how to do it, is there a way you can help me?

@Xodfather Download a postal map, the one below for example:

Take the “mapzoomdata.meta” file and put it into the following directory:
FiveM Application Data\citizen\common\data\ui

Hey, thank you. But now I broke the nearest postal box again, do you think we can communicate a better way? I just need these files to get the server finished. Thanks in advance.

Hey. Anyone here that can help me with add in a line… somehow. i don’t know how to explain it.
but i got a script on my server when you log in that makes a kind of movie transition. the problem is that the nearest postal text is visible in that cutscene. so i somehow need to add this: IsPlayerSwitchActive()