[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

anyone ever respond to you?

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Hi If you want a radio as a useable item, and wanna drop player from channel if someone confiscate the radio item or, palyer drop the radio item , or player dead. Create server.lua in rp-radio directory

and put this

ESX = nil

TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj) ESX = obj end)

ESX.RegisterUsableItem(‘radio’, function(source)

local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
TriggerClientEvent('Radio.Set', source, true)
TriggerClientEvent('Radio.Toggle', source)


while true do
local xPlayers = ESX.GetPlayers()
for i=1, #xPlayers, 1 do
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(xPlayers[i])
if xPlayer ~= nil then
if xPlayer.getInventoryItem(‘radio’).count == 0 then

            local source = xPlayers[i]
            TriggerClientEvent('Radio.Set', source, false)


and add this to your fxmanifest.lua :

server_scripts {

And in client.lua Set the Has.radio=true —> Has.radio=false

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bro can you set a copanimation while using radio ??? plssss

I want to know. how i can set volume on walkie talkie ?
Thank you for answer :heart_eyes:

does anyone know hoe to set the players name instead of the radio alphabet

You found it ?

How would I add this to my server or client side

Why does my mumble-voip and rp-radio not work on my fivem vrp server?

did you figure this out?if yes can you help me ?

Got the radio to finally show up with pma voice, but as soon as i click radio on, the menu goes away and nothing works and its stuck in my hand, does the same when i change keybind too so idk?!?

Hi guys i’ve got a problem with this script if i drive a police car or an ambulance i can’t speak at the radio, i can hear but can’t speak if someone have a solution thanks to you.

how do i turn it on there is no Radio.Has in client.lua??


how do you fix this so it works on t/radio??

to which one do i need to change?

set onesync legacy in your sever.cfg onesync is required for mumble and thats why it wont connect. trust me i fought for a month before figuring that out lol

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– Check if player has radio
function IsRadioAvailable()
return Radio.Has
line 277-281 client.lua (sorry posted wrong thing. will update soon)

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Question… Is there anyway to merge multiple channels to 1 channel for example Ch 1 LEO Ch2 FD Ch3 EMS and Ch4 Dispatch (Ch 4 needs to hear Ch1-3 and be able to communicate to all 3 Ch but each individual Ch can only hear each other except dispatch)

In your rp-radio files edit your client.ula line two should read Has=false (look below for an example)

local Radio = {
Has = false,
Open = false,
On = false,
Enabled = true,
Handle = nil,
Prop = prop_cs_hand_radio,
Bone = 28422,
Offset = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Dictionary = {
Animation = {
Clicks = true,

Is there anyway that you can add a currently talking script to this?

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i have got the radio working but now i cannot hear no1 on the street dose anyone know why this may be i can hear them thought the radio but not on the street without them